doggo1 wrote:
I'mlooking for any info, advice, experiences, success or non stories
regarding the use of CS for Hepatitis C. This would be in a case
where a round of interferon has not worked.



nancy try this web address  it's from a woman named karen  i  
read her testimony on another website. she's going through peg inteferon 
treatment for hep-c  plus taking cs she says her last hep-c test was negative  
within a month after adding the cs.  i have hep -c and  was on peg it was 
lowering my viral load  but i couldn't stand the side effects so i stopped. i 
wished i would have taken cs with my treatment but i hadn't heard of anyone who 
ever tried the two together  and was afraid to experiment with it.  also do a 
google search  and key in utopia silver it's filled with hep-c testomonies. 

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