You would be the black sheep of the family, Yes?

Thanks for posting info on the Swiss diet, because it gives me a
chance to promote an even better diet.

This Swiss diet looks like a low carb diet with the unusual idea of
spitting out some of the most important parts of the meal.
Pity that some of the info does not bare scrutiny, eg. the statement
that undigested food is converted to fat is obviously contradictory.
Meat (protein) is the most easily digested food, and the most useful,
and the idea of limiting the fat intake, especially the saturated
animal fat, is misguided, in my opinion.
It is not fat that makes you fat, it is the carbohydrates.

I suggest those that might consider this diet should read this article
about the origins of the low carbohydrate high protein / fat diet, and
its continuing success without needing any special care, special
supplements, or meal time mumbo-jumbo. :-)

It is a good read!

Uncle Ivan.

> -----Original Message-----
> From: []
> Sent: Thursday, 26 September 2002 2:57 p.m.
> To:
> Subject: CS>weighing in
> Silver List
> This group is a lot like family for me, so I find it hard
> to not pass on what I
> find as vital or at least interesting information of some
> importance.
> Remember our friend "Dr Jon"?
> His latest project has been to acquire the modus operandi
> of a Swiss fat farm
> that charges ten grand per client with apparently great results.
> There is a multi supplement to take along with some strange
> procedures to
> follow, therefore the fat camp regimen is probably the
> easiest way to assure
> compliance.
> I looked up all of the supplements and discovered that they
> were desirable for
> heart health (one of my problems) so I could be induced to
> try them anyway.
> The diet is not Atkins, but has similarities.
> He has made the formula and plan available to volunteers to
> see if there is any
> merit to it. Kinda half a**ed clinical trials.
> Our  only obligation was to report results and how we
> complied or not with the
> plan.
> Now, personally, I'm a hard case.
> I have an opinion and I'm seldom shy with it.
> I have had zero success in losing weight over the last
> three or four years since
> retirement.
> I refuse to exercise anymore. 15 years of 3X week martial
> arts is enough.
> Especially since I started at age 45.
> What part of retired is not understood?
> I refuse to go hungry! Living well is the best revenge.
> I started with this by acquiring the individual supplements
> and following, in
> general, the plan.
> Much to my surprise, I had an initial loss of six lbs the
> first week, with
> another four gone over the following two weeks.
> Horrid plateau time since then until today. When I weighed
> in, another five are
> gone.
> This whole span has been about six weeks. I am ecstatic and
> feel the need to
> share!
> I had not been able to move off the dime in 4 years, and
> now half my goal is
> accomplished.
> "Dr Jon" says that he has gotten enough positive feedback
> to warrant  continuing
> the formula and opening it to the general public.
> I said, public be damned, this goes to family.
> Details for those interested at:
> Do as you will.
> Any discussion should go to the OT list. I wanted to make
> sure everybody saw
> this though.
> Errr... Jon bashers can look for the sprig of mistletoe.
>                                                               Chuck
> I don't exercise, it makes ice jump right out of my glass.

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