It is very good to hear a report of an apparent CS failure -- this is
important -- but we also need to know precisely how you used the CS, how
much, for how long, and so forth.   This is not a "blast" but merely a
request for more information to support the assertion that CS was not
useful in your case. 


Roxanne wrote:
> I don't know, I used to get Smallpox vaccinations on a regular basis.  They
> were supposed to help my Herpes Simplex virus infections.  I used to have
> them all over my face at various times.  As I got older, they became Herpes
> Zoster.  I would have breakouts very bad.  I only had a reaction once, the
> first one, given to me at the times they vacinated kids with them. They
> would give you a little cage like thing that went over the "sore" where they
> scratched your skin with some sort of glass. The others didn't do anything,
> not even a sore, and didn't affect the Herpes Simplex virus at all.  I got
> my last one in the early 70's, I was in my early 20's.
> I know some people die from vacinations.  The doctor even stopped the
> "pertusus", mispelled I'm sure, portion, of the vacinations that were given
> to my own children.  She would be very very sick afer them, and the doctor
> quit them.
> I don't know what the answer is . . . smallpox is not a pretty site, and
> large percentage of the people who got smallpox died from it.  The internet
> has some very vivid pictures of people with smallpox.  Just do an internet
> search and see them.
> I feel that those vacinations prevented more deaths of people than actually
> caused them.
> I didn't know about CS then, and CS didn't cure my Herpes infections either.
> I very smart doctor did with a drug.  I'm glad they developed it, because it
> has reduced my sufferings.  He put me on the drug, Zovirex for six months, a
> very log dosage.  It gave my immune system a boost, and in the last 15
> years, I've only had small eruptions.  If I feel like it's going to be a big
> one, I do take the drug and the ointment, but really haven't done that in
> years either.
> I know I will get blasted from this . . . but just my thoughts and
> experiences.
> Roxanne
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Connie []
> Sent: Thursday, September 26, 2002 11:03 AM
> To: silver- list
> Subject: CS>FW: Smallpox
> I just posted the small pox info from this list to the CSCats-dogs list.
> I got this response back immediately.
> Connie
> >>>I don't remember if we ever covered this but.(...)'s Dad died from a
> smallpox vaccination when he was in his forties.  He was first
> paralized and then died within three days of vacination.
> --
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