Reminds me of Goldie Hawn in "Private Benjamin".
At the end of boot camp, the girls rigged their Major's shower with dye. Blue of

Always yield to temptation, because it may not pass your way again.

On Sun, 06 Oct 2002 08:43:42 +0530, Reid Harvey <> wrote:

>Personally I'm still having a problem with the accounting of the blue
>candidate.  For one thing, in most of the other stories of those few
>individuals who have argyria their coloring is described as GRAY, or
>perhaps gray with a hint of blue.  Here we seem to have a real blue
>BLUE.  Could it be that as with other middle aged men he has some
>not-uncommon coloration around the nose?  Perhaps a small concentration
>of vericose veins, or the like.  When asked what this was perhaps it was
>easiest to associate it with the silver.

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