Hi to everyone.........I've been on silver now for about a year for my 
Rheumatoid Arthritis.......I"ve a tremendous improvement, however CS seems to 
do alot more to clear up my bloodstream than it does to kill Mycoplasma already 
living in my joints.  I was trying H202 for a while..and even though it seems 
to help alot with the pain...{I don't know why}  it sorta scares me.  I've been 
readin alot here lately about tylosin...{usually a drug for animals}.......I'm 
not sure if there is a human version or not.......from what I've been reading 
this stuff is supposed to really wipe out mycoplasma in a hurry........orally 
it is not quite as effective as IM.  I am thinking very seriously about trying 
this to rid myself of the last 10% of my arthritis.  I've owned and operated a 
farm for my entire life and it is well known that if you have a hog that is 
sick and down from arthritis, Tylosin will clear it up in a hurry.......why do 
they not do this for humans?.......I've seen the list of what it kills and it 
is a vast list.....almost as big as CS itself.  I wish there was a way for me 
to get the CS deeper into my joints where it could do the job becuase I know it 
kills what I have.  When I quit taking it for a break......and then start 
again......I have a herx reaction for about the first week......and then some 
major improvement.....and then it levels off leaving me much better than 
before.....but still with the critters living in my joints.......Tylosin may be 
my answer......?.....I don't know.........still reading here........Robb