There is a famous congressional report that supposedly proves that the
soil has been leached of minerals in the last 100 years or so.

All minerals have their origins in rock, and rock dust (of the
appropriate kind) is the best fertiliser. Humic acids (notably fulvic)
are powerful solvents, which leach out rock bound minerals, sequester
them, and transport them in run-off and the water table for great
distances. Plants absorb these minerals from the leachate and use them
as part of their growth cycle. Certain plants have an affinity for
silver, mushrooms and wheat come to mind, and hence silver finds its
way into our diet.

I am not sure that current populations are more healthy than previous,
indeed, the incidence of cancer, obesity and heart disease are at
epidemic proportions... but as you say, it comes down to diet.


> -----Original Message-----
> From: Ode Coyote []
> Sent: Sunday, 13 October 2002 4:51 a.m.
> To:
> Subject: Re: CS>re: silver toxicity
>  How do ancestors get silver from soil when silver is a
> precious metal
> because of its rarity?
>  Maybe "some" ancestors got some and maybe thay were
> healthier than many
> other ancestors, most of whom lived for about 40 years.
>  There's something about wearing yourself out with hard
> labor or getting
> killed young in a very dangerous world that tends to prevent old age
> related disease.  Does a shrew ever get cancer?  Would you,
> if you starved
> to death at 35 or got run over by a bison?
>  There's organic soil [mulch, humus etc] and inorganic soil
> [mineral,
> ground up rock]
> Minerals leaching from mineral soil? Wouldn't you be left
> with plain old
> rock? [chock full of minerals]
> Since when is any given area of rock the same as any other area?
> Does granite have the same silver content as quarts? [Or the same
> radioactive trace elements?]
>  Has anyone made a chemical comparison between foods from
> 100 yrs ago and
> today? [I think not]
> I dunno, My BS-o-meter is screaming modern myth.
>  If people are vitamin deficient, it's probably because
> they don't eat
> right...not that many of our ancestors did either.
>  Seen a case of scurvy or rickets lately?  Goiters?
> Ken

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