I'm trying to build a zapper according to Hulda Clark's instruction in
her book "The Cure for All Diseases".  I could not find a Radio shack
276-1988 8 pin wire wrapping socket, I had to go with the 276-1995 which
has much shorter legs.  I'm stuck trying to bend #2 to #6 and attaching
them with an alligator clip.  I see no way to get them close enough.  Has
anyone built one of these?  Is there a better way, or a better part to
use?  Are the pins strong?  I've been wrapping the wires around, rather
than twisting the capacitors to the pins because I'm afraid the pins will
break.  Any suggestions would be appreciated.  I'm obviously no
electronics expert, this is only the 2nd project I've attempted. 
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