Ken writes:
>   Would that also be called a bread board?
> God knows why, but that's what I've heard em called.

Eyup! A solderless breadboard lets you quickly make and change 
connections between electronic components, then tear it apart to use 
over again. Very convenient way to prototype circuits or, in this 
case, build simple circuits without needing to solder.

The name comes from the early 20th century when hobbyists who were
interested in the newfangled vacuum tube electronics and "radio" were 
sometimes found to have swiped the bread kneading board from the wife's 
kitchen to lay out and construct their latest project...

Y'know, sometimes an idea just gets ahold of you and you can't let a 
little detail like not having a flat piece of wood around stop you from 
a little tinkerin'. <GRIN>

We've started a thread on the OT list to help Leacy with her 
breadboarding project...



Be well,

Mike D.

[Mike Devour, Citizen, Patriot, Libertarian]
[                        ]
[Speaking only for myself...               ]

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