This statement below has flaws within itself.

He says, "the molecule is too large to be absorbed", yet this same molecule get to places and makes them
turn blue.

No logic exists.   How could that be possible?

Has anyone seen this before? I have seen some of his statements similar to this one and he simply quoted some mainstream medical journal.

He does have an email that we could use .......: WC Douglass <>


Not all that glitters is silver

The silver scam has been going on for over a century, despite
the fact that there is no evidence supporting claims it is an
effective antibiotic. In the 1800s, it was recommended for
tetanus and rheumatism.

These days, colloidal silver has been touted as a miracle for
everything from aches and pains to diabetes to cancer to
bubonic plague. However, the oral form of silver has no place
in good medicine. It is a fairly good topical antibiotic, but
hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) is far superior for skin infections
and costs practically nothing.

Colloidal silver does not work because the molecule is too
large to pass through the mucous membrane of the gut. A few
people, for some reason, have the ability to absorb the
colloidal silver. Advocates of the colloidal silver con claim
that it has no side effects and is safe even for pregnant
women and children. This is simply not true. Prolonged use of
oral silver will lead to argyria, a condition in which the
silver collects in your tissues.

Argyria is characterized by a darkening of the gums, giving
them a blue-gray appearance, as well as a bluish
discoloration of the skin. If this is what happens to the
visible parts of your body, which are barely being touched by
the silver, imagine what it's doing to your insides, which
are actually attempting to absorb the stuff!

There are no known health benefits in taking silver
internally. If there were, it would have appeared in some
responsible journal - or even an obscure one - as we
desperately need new and more powerful antibiotics,
especially in light of current circumstances.

Telling the truth about colloidal silver has cost me some
popularity among believers, but I will not change my position
until I see some sensible research that proves me wrong.

Always looking for the silver lining,

William Campbell Douglass II, MD


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