Marshall Dudley wrote:

> "James Osbourne, Holmes" wrote:
> > >From the table provided by Marshall:
> >
> > "Vapor pressure is the pressure exerted when a solid or liquid is in
> > equilibrium with its own vapor"
> >
> > "Mercury (in dental amalgam)             37 C"
> >
> > That is 98.6 F; normal body temp.
> >
> > Wild.  I had no idea the vapor pressure was so low.  So mercury "steam" is
> > emitting from Ag/Hg fillings.  Gag.
> You mean that high. 0.005 mm mercury sounds about right for body temperature,
> but the 10 or so sounds very high. I am not sure what it means by "10-8".

I think I just figured out the 10-8.  They mean 10^-8 (10 raised to the -8 
or .00000001.  That is much lower than the vapor pressure of mercury at that
temperature alone, so apparently the silver lowers the vapor pressure of the
mercury significantly (this is similar to adding salt to water will raise the
boiling point by lowering it's vapor pressure as well).


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