Ivan and Ken,

You're exploring the issue of accuracy and precision of the Hanna PWT 
and TDS quite thoroughly! But let's see if I'm misinterpreting you 
right on a couple of points... <grin>

Specs for my Hanna TDS-1:

Range: 0 to 999 ppm
Resolution: 1 ppm
Accuracy: +/- 10 ppm
Typical EMC Deviation: +/- 1% of Full Scale

If I interpret this right, my TDS meter should read in steps of 1 ppm, 
with no decimal point or tenths, etc., which indeed it does.

That means the smallest increment it can *resolve* is 1 ppm.

The display, with 3 digits, will show from 0 to 999.

The accuracy of 10 ppm out of a full scale range of 1000 ppm is, indeed 

I don't know what "Typical EMC deviation" means. What's EMC?

It's pretty clear why the TDS-1 isn't the best tool for measuring low 
ppm CS. I'm attempting to use ruler where a vernier caliper would be 
better. Still, it's been stable and seems more accurate than spec.

So what are the specs for the PWT? 

From: http://www.hannainst.com/products/testers/pwt.htm


Range: 0.1 to 99.9 µS/cm 
Resolution: 0.1 µS/cm 
Accuracy (@20°C/68°F): ±2% Full Scale 

This suggests that the smallest step this instrument can resolve is one 
tenth of a micro-Seimens per centimeter, and it can count up to a 
thousand of them, or 99.9 µS/cm. So I presume the display should show 
only 3 digits, one to the right of the decimal place.

However, Ken writes:
> It says "Range  is .01 to 99.9 uS" and "Accuracy is +/- 2% Full
> Scale" [but don't mention what full scale is] Now, you'd think that
> range and full scale would be the same thing, BUT, stick the PWT in
> water and add salt  to see where the scale ACTUALLY pegs out.  That
> would be at 999.9 NOT 99.9. If the meter were accurate to +/- 2% in
> its "range" they would have said it that way.

It looks like Ken made a small mistake about the low end of the range. 
That aside, does the PWT actually have a 4-digit display and behave as 
Ken describes here? It *should* have only a 3-digit display and top out 
at a reading of 99.9 uS.

Whatcha say guys?

Be well,

Mike D.

[Mike Devour, Citizen, Patriot, Libertarian]
[mdev...@eskimo.com                        ]
[Speaking only for myself...               ]

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