Greetings, all!

An associate of mine asked me to forward a request to colloidal silver

A simple email with one's name from those who have been using colloidal
silver on a daily basis for in excess of four years ( 10-15 PPM ); I would
add that the quantity of the amount ingested daily would be beneficial.

Our list member is working in India to introduce colloidal silver in a local
area, and according to the health authority establishment that our lister is
working with, email can have the authority of a written statement, and they
are requesting one hundred examples of users that have not experienced
negative side effects from the long term use of colloidal silver.

All should be aware that this involving a commercial endevour, albeit one
where the heart is in the perfect place ( my judgement ).

After considering the issue for about a week, I feel that this request could
serve two purposes.  For those who wish to validate colloidal silver use for
the health authorities, but do not want this information used publically,
please simply state that the statement is only for use with the health
authorities.  For those who wish to release their testimonial for our
project's use, please simply include a statement that we can use the
information for not-for-profit use on
( up-and-coming ).

Please send any email to the following email address:

Warm Regards,


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List maintainer: Mike Devour <>