Dear List Members,

   You may be interested to know that the FDA is seeking comments on
their proposed research protocol for testing the smallpox vaccine in very
young children.  I have placed information below this article on how
to register your comments and opinions with the FDA.  With enough public
dissention/outcry, this trial could be cancelled.

Proposal to Test Smallpox Vaccine in Young Children Sets Off Ethics Debate

WASHINGTON, Nov. 4 - Federal health officials are proposing to test the
smallpox vaccine in toddlers and preschoolers, a proposal so fraught with
ethical questions that the Food and Drug Administration is seeking comment
from the public before allowing the experiment to proceed.

The vaccine is made of a live virus called vaccinia and poses a risk of
serious complications, even death. At issue is whether the threat of a
bioterrorist attack using smallpox - a disease that was eradicated in humans
two decades ago - is serious enough to warrant exposing children to those

"Everyone agrees that the risk of smallpox through a bioterrorism event is
not zero," said Dr. Karen Midthun, who supervises vaccine research for the
food and drug agency. "But how small or how large is that risk? Given that
it is so difficult to quantitate, it makes it difficult to know whether
there is potentially any benefit to these children."

Dr. Midthun said the agency would take public comment on the proposal
through the end of this month. After that, she said, Tommy G. Thompson, the
secretary of health and human services, and Dr. Mark B. McClellan, the new
commissioner of food and drugs, will decide whether to approve the study.

The proposed pediatric study comes as President Bush is considering whether,
and how, to make smallpox vaccine available to the public for the first time
since 1972, when routine vaccinations were suspended. Mr. Bush is
considering proposals to make the vaccine available first to health care
workers and eventually to all Americans.

The pediatric study would enroll 40 children, ages 2 to 5, at Children's
Hospital Medical Center in Cincinnati and Harbor-U.C.L.A. Medical Center in
Los Angeles. Because the vaccinia virus can spread, posing serious risk to
people with immune deficiencies or skin conditions like eczema, the children
will be required to stay home from day care or preschool for a month after

The National Institutes of Health has been testing the government's aging
stockpile of 15.4 million doses of smallpox vaccine to see if it can be used
safely in adults, and to see if it remains effective when diluted; research
suggests that it does. The goal of the pediatric study is to determine if
the same is true in children.

"If we had an attack and we had to use the vaccine in children, you would
see a lot of eyebrow-raising if we didn't know the effects," said Dr.
Anthony S. Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergy and
Infectious Diseases, the branch of the N.I.H. that is proposing the study.

But the study is drawing objections from some experts. Among them is Dr.
Paul A. Offit, chief of infectious diseases at Children's Hospital of
Philadelphia, who believes the benefits of testing the vaccine do not
outweigh the risks. Noting that the vaccine offers protection when given up
to four days after exposure, Dr. Offit said he believed testing in children
was ethical only after an actual case of smallpox had been reported.

"Smallpox doesn't exist in this world, so the benefits are solely
theoretical," said Dr. Offit, who serves on a panel of experts that advises
the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention on vaccine policy. "That, in
combination with the fact that the vaccine has known and, albeit rarely,
severe side effects leads one to question whether you can ethically do that

When the smallpox vaccine was last in use, 15 people out of every million
who received it experienced potentially life-threatening complications - a
risk that experts have said holds true for both adults and children. In
children, Dr. Fauci said, the most serious risk is encephalitis, a
potentially deadly disorder that causes inflammation of the brain.

Dr. Fauci cited statistics from a 1968 study that tracked 5.6 million people
who received smallpox vaccine, 3.3 million of them children between the ages
of one and four. Among these youngsters, 10 developed encephalitis and
three - all under the age of one - died from it.

Federal regulations impose strict oversight on clinical trials in children.
If studies pose more than minimal risk to children, they may go forward only
if they offer direct benefit to the child or enhance understanding of the
child's disorder. If those conditions are not met, the studies are subject
to federal review, including an evaluation by outside experts and public
comment of the sort the F.D.A. is seeking.

Among the experts consulted for the pediatric smallpox trial is Dr. Neal
Halsey, director of the Institute for Vaccine Safety at Johns Hopkins
University in Baltimore. Dr. Halsey said he had concluded that the study was
ethical, but only if it was "done very carefully and done in a very limited
number of children."

But he said he had chosen not to take part in the national institutes'
trial. "I did not care to be involved in exposing children to the known
risks of the vaccine in the absence of clear benefit," Dr. Halsey said.

Although the government has contracted with the pharmaceutical industry to
buy a new version of the smallpox vaccine, the vaccine to be used in the
pediatric study comes from an aging stockpile of 15.4 million doses
manufactured by Wyeth-Ayerst and donated to the government.

FDA info:

The Office for Human Research Protections (OHRP) and the Food and Drug
Administration (FDA) are soliciting public review and comment on a proposed
research protocol entitled "A Multicenter, Randomized Dose Response Study of
the Safety, Clinical and Immune Responses of Dryvax Administered to Children
2 to 5 Years of Age" as announced in Federal Register Vol. 67, No. 211
Thursday October 31, 2002 Page 66403, available for review on the OHRP
website at:   This proposed
research would include children as research subjects. Experts in relevant
disciplines have reviewed the protocol, but prior to the Secretary, HHS, and
Commissioner, FDA, making a final determination on whether this clinical
investigation may proceed, public review and comment are hereby solicited
pursuant to HHS regulations at 45 CFR 46.407 and FDA regulations at 21 CFR
50.54.   Materials are available for review on the OHRP website at:   Public comment on the
proposed research protocol should be submitted to:   Received comments may be viewed on
the FDA website at:


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