C Creel wrote:

> Dear Robb,
>   You said:
> <<Hi........I'd like to see an official document showing that the FDA is
> indeed trying to do this..........this seems like a hoax to me.  Since when
> do they need our approval to do anything?...........anyone have any official
> news or proof of this?...........>>
>   My post began with a New York Times article with FDA info appended
> (official enough?).
>   I don't post info without checking the validity first.

I think Robb was wondering if the article is really true or something that was
made up by the news media, that is certainly what I am wondering.  Claiming that
the validity was checked by seeing it was in the Times is circular logic, and of
itself certainly not valid.  Most of what is in the news media is distorted at
best, and completely made up at worst.  They are now the servents of the
Government disinformation campaigns. (like that there will be no more blonds in
100 years. Yeh right, they publish stuff that any 7 year old that can think
knows is false).


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