Marshall said:

<<I think Robb was wondering if the article is really true or something that
made up by the news media, that is certainly what I am wondering.

Claiming that
the validity was checked by seeing it was in the Times is circular logic,
and of
itself certainly not valid.  Most of what is in the news media is distorted
best, and completely made up at worst.  They are now the servents of the
Government disinformation campaigns. (like that there will be no more blonds
100 years. Yeh right, they publish stuff that any 7 year old that can think
knows is false). >>

  This is really annoying and patronizing.

If you would stop with the kneejerk reactions, you would
have seen that I have posted the FDA info FROM THE FDA
site both in my original post and in response to Robb.

Now, for the THIRD
time, I will post all relevant FDA URLS:

The Office for Human Research Protections (OHRP) and the Food and Drug
Administration (FDA) are soliciting public review and comment on a proposed
research protocol entitled "A Multicenter, Randomized Dose Response Study of
the Safety, Clinical and Immune Responses of **Dryvax Administered to
2 to 5 Years of Age" as announced in Federal Register Vol. 67, No. 211
Thursday October 31, 2002 Page 66403, available for review on the OHRP
website at:   This proposed
research would include children as research subjects. Experts in relevant
disciplines have reviewed the protocol, but prior to the Secretary, HHS, and
Commissioner, FDA, making a final determination on whether this clinical
investigation may proceed, public review and comment are hereby solicited
pursuant to HHS regulations at 45 CFR 46.407 and FDA regulations at 21 CFR
50.54.   Materials are available for review on the OHRP website at:   Public comment on the
proposed research protocol should be submitted to:   Received comments may be viewed on
the FDA website at:

** Smallpox vacine


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