From: "Ivan Anderson" <>
To: <>
Subject: RE: CS>colloidal silver vs colloidal gold

My take on the question.

Colloidal gold and colloidal silver are two different fruit and cannot
be compared.
> However, do not confuse colloidal gold with a "solution for the soul"
> and quote ancient passages (as some places do) which in fact refer to
> the White Powder Gold or Bread of Life or Mana (monoatomic or ORMUS).
> White Gold is a very elusive substance, and was the goal of ancient
> and modern day alchemists, and does indeed have powers that effect the
> 'soul'.
> Ivan.
Hi Ivan,

Are the byproducts of the Philosopher's Stone what you were referring to? 

<snip> "the white powder which transmutes the white metals to fine silver; 
the red elixir with which gold is made; the white elixir which also makes 
silver, and which procures long life-it is also called the 'white daughter of 
the philosophers'. "

Treaties on Philosophical and Hermetic Chemistry
Paris - 1725

The above publication has detailed instructions for making "The Elixir of 
Life." The earliest reference I have found is from Zosimus at the beginning 
of the fifth century but unfortunately, I don't have that transcript. I think 
that one would cost the long buck. (^_^) 

Best wishes,