No complaints, folks, but a comment or two:

The list has gotten very busy in the last day or so. Folks are probably 
recovered from the holiday! It's nice to see the vigor and quality of 
the discussion.

I don't want anyone to be scared off by some of the more frightening 
remarks being made regarding things like concentration camps, mandatory 
vaccinations, and so on. Throughout my experience with the internet 
there has been a *deep* vein of distrust of government, replete with 
conspiracy theories that ranged from undeniable to ridiculous.

If you are not at the stage in your study where you can take these
things seriously, please don't worry. The fact that there are people
who believe in these things should in no way diminish your ability to
use the advice of our members to make and use colloidal silver. <grin>

Any more extensive discussion of politics and government policy ought
to migrate to the silver-off-topic-list, which everyone here can
participate in. Visit and click on the Off
Topic List link for directions.

Michelle has asked a few good questions about argyria. I agree that an 
archive search on the word argyria, particularly noting the recent 
threads on "WaterOz" and the "blue senate candidate", will lay to rest 
some of her concerns. 

It is very hard to get argyria, in our experience so far. A couple of
mild cases we have seen seem to be related to the WaterOz product,
which is of unknown composition, but very high potency and obviously
not made the way most of us make our CS. Those folks used more than
the manufacturer recommended as well.

The "blue senate candidate" took the worst possible advice from
multiple sources and combined it to make a hideous brew. Then he
proceeded to drink ungodly amounts of the stuff for several years. He
couldn't have done much worse if he had *intended* to turn himself
blue. His actual condition is, again, fairly mild. Apparently, at least
one of the photos that circulated widely in the media was grossly
doctored to exaggerate the effect.

Every other case of argyria we know about was caused by the use of
*prescription* preparations dating back back to the 40's and 50's, 
extensive ingestion of concentrated silver compounds, or occupational 
exposure to silver compounds or dusts.

That said, still we are all being our own guinea pigs. Nobody is going
to be to blame if you turn blue, but *you.* Study all you can and make
your own decisions! 

Lastly, just a reminder that if anyone wants to debate religion, faith, 
spirituality or similar things, the above mentioned Off Topic List is 
the best place to do that.

I don't mind a couple of comments in passing, as have occurred so far 
among Michelle, Catherine, and Diane, for example, but the *next* level 
of comment or question probably belongs elsewhere. We steer clear of 
religion and politics as much as possible for the obvious reason that 
they almost inevitably lead to arguments.

I expect everyone to be both tolerant and sensitive.

Thanks *everybody* for the good discussions. I'm considering buying an 
Omron nebulizer for myself, thanks to the recent commentary and the 
answers I rec'd to my recent question to the Off-Topic-List.

Be well, all!

Mike Devour
da list owner guy

[Mike Devour, Citizen, Patriot, Libertarian]
[                        ]
[Speaking only for myself...               ]

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