I was reading and found out that the smallpox vaccine is made from a
bovine disease and would not give any immunity against the human form of
this disease anyway. 

"The second ingredient in vaccinations is the medium in which they are
cultivated. This can include rabbit brain tissue, dog kidney tissue,
monkey kidney tissue, chicken or duck egg protein, chick embryo, calf
serum, pig or horse blood, and cowpox pus. These foreign proteins are
injected directly into the bloodstream. They are very toxic since they do
not get filtered through the digestive process or pass through the
"These proteins are foreign to the body, and are in a state of
decomposition. They are composed of animal cells, and therefore contain
animal genetic material. It is possible for the genes in these cells to
be picked up by the live, attenuated viruses used in vaccines. These
viruses then implant a foreign alien genetic material from animal tissue
cultures into the human genetic system. Undigested proteins in the blood
are one of the causes of allergies....These undigested proteins can
attack the myelin sheath that protects the nerves, and result in
neurological problems."
James goes on to comment on the last category of vaccine ingredients,
which are stabilizers, neutralizers, carrying agents, and preservatives.
"Many people feed their children healthy foods. They would never think of
giving their children formaldehyde, mercury, or aluminum phosphate to
eat. Formaldehyde, for instance, is used to embalm corpses, and is a
known carcinogen. These are preservatives and carrying agents that are
injected directly into the bloodstream without buffering by the digestive
process, or censoring by the liver."
Using the smallpox vaccine as an example, James then describes how
vaccines are manufactured.
"Although [smallpox] is no longer a required vaccination, it is still
being used for research on AIDS and the new genetically engineered
recombinant vaccines. Mendelson’s newsletter describes the following
process: ‘A young calf has his belly shaved. Many slashes are made in the
skin. A prior batch of smallpox vaccine is dropped into the slashes and
allowed to fester over a period of days. During this period of time, the
calf stands in a head stall so that he can’t lick his belly. The calf is
led out of the stock to a table where he is strapped down. His belly
scabs and pus are scraped off and ground into a powder. The powder is the
next batch of smallpox vaccine. Besides dried pus and scabs in the
smallpox vaccine, incidental viruses, which the calf was carrying, can be
contained in these scabs and pus.’
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