Thaks Nicole
Unfortunatelly I didn't quite understand what you mean
by 'tickle' (English is not my first language). Did
you feel like a ball stuck in your throat? I felt like
that with Echinacea...
If you were not able to sing that means the mucus was
thicker, right?
Sorry.. and thanks for the patients..


--- Nicole K <> wrote:
> I found that using dmso externally caused a tickle
> in my chest for about 15
> minutes.   I also noticed that it affected my
> singing ability for a week or
> two after use as I still had the 'tickle' when
> singing.  Had to wait for a
> few weeks to be able to breathe well enough to sing
> without coughing.   That
> scared me a bit.  But there doesn't seem to be any
> longterm damage.
> I have used it as a foot soak, mixed with cs, for my
> canary who has bad
> arthritis in his feet.  He reeked of it for hours
> afterward so I know his
> body absorbed a lot of it.  He has had no breathing
> problems (or any other
> problems) as a result.   He is still singing too.
> -------Original Message-------
> Thanks a lot Jeannie
> Hopefully the last question- have you ever tried to
> see the effect of DMSO on the sputum or mucus? I'm
> asking because you mention 'thivk' mucus, so I
> thought
> - does the DMSO melt or tickens the mucus?
> Maia
> --- Jeannie <> wrote:
> > 
> > 
> > Maja Hristozova wrote:
> > 
> > > Thanks a lot for that! I guess we have to start
> > > experimenting.. My last question is: If DMSO can
> > > sometimes irritate the skin, can't it irritate
> the
> > > lung tissues as well?
> > 
> > It may slightly at the time. There may be a
> > temporary increase in
> > sneezing, coughing, etc.., mostly as the thick 
> > mucous is disturbed and
> > eliminated. But long term it seems to heal rather
> > than harm. If it
> > irritates, cut it a little more with CS, which is
> > soothing.
> > 
> .
> --
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