
<<You can experiment with laser therapy easy enough.
Red laser keychain pointers are dollar store items.>>

I've been in the medical field for (ack!) nearly 30 years and just when you
think you've heard it all, well, guess not!  :)    I write not to castigate,
but rather express admiration of your ingenuity and audacity (I was actually
thinking of a slang term for a part of the male anatomy, but didn't want to
insult anyone).

I've never heard of anyone tinkering with do-it-yourself laser therapy (kind
of reminds me about the guy who did oral surgery and teeth replacement on
himself with his Dremel and white rocks he found in his driveway)....but,
all kidding aside... I'm curious as to what gave you the idea to experiment
with a laser pen... did you do any research prior to find out what type of
laser is used for the pens, and what sort of precautions you might take
before using it, and what performance you might expect from it (along the
lines of how far the laser might penetrate below the skin surface).

Talk about Yankee ingenuity (but then you're probably not a Yankee, eh?? )

Denise Every

Equuilibrium Studio - Horse & Animal Art -
----- Original Message -----
From: <>
To: <>
Sent: Monday, March 17, 2003 2:22 PM
Subject: Re: CS>Lypomas

> On Mon, 17 Mar 2003 09:07:17 -0600, Dan Nave
> wrote:
> >Does anyone know how to get rid of (non-cancerous) lypomas
> >or fatty tumors that appear under the skin?
> You can experiment with laser therapy easy enough.
> Red laser keychain pointers are dollar store items.
> Put the point on the site and pulse it for however long you're willing to
> session.
> I got rid of one that had been on my shoulder for almost 2 years.
> Chuck
> You can lead a horse to water, but if you can get him to swim on his back,
> you've got something
> --
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