Hi Ingrid.  I just read your comment about cs and deodorant.  Such has not been 
the case for me.  I am not sure what ppm I am making but it is clear and i do 
ingest about 2ounces a day and also use it as a deodorant.  For me it is 
great---absolutely no more bo.  I have not used deodorant since I have 
discovered it.  I have read that since deodorant blocks your sweat gland under 
your arms that it causes toxins to build up in the lymph nodes and it is 
believed to cause cancer.  Since cancer runs in my family I want to avoid that 
if I can.  Sorry to hear that yours did not work for you,  Hopefully someone 
out there may know the answer as to why yours did not work.
                                                     Linda J. Hefferman
ABOUT THE MANY USES OF CS. well i don't know about deodorant. i used CS with a 
ppm of probably somewhere between 8-12 and it didn't quite work like expected. 
maybe more or less ppm will help. i figure with summer around the corner i 
don't want to expirament with B.O.  

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