R.e. acidophilus, a recent newsletter (134) from Altered States company
in NZ indicates that CS may actually PROMOTE the growth of beneficial
flora in the intestines.  I do not have time to follow up on the claim; 
the newsletter has some references included.   List members can go to
the site and request the newsletter.  I did not forward it because it
comes in a format that takes up a lot fo space -- elaborate moving
graphics and all that rubbish.   

Ask and they will send. 


Bill Missett wrote:
> Welcome to the list.  Hope this helps fill in the info-gap:
> I've had excellent results with killing and controlling amoebas and other
> parasites, and live in an area (Southern Mexico) where they are common food
> contaminants, as well as salmonella, e.coli, and others (bad shrimp, bay
> oysters, etc.)
> I've killed all of the above with CS, a potent variety sold OTC all over
> Mexico, in industrial strength dosages for extended periods of time, with no
> adverse intestinal conditions.  (Certainly not as bad as the conditions the
> CS is preventing, anyway. A little acididolphilus never hurts either.)
> As to whether CS will kill the amoeba cysts themselves, I am uncertain, but
> I would suspect the answer is yes.  It will kill all amoebas as they hatch,
> breaking the cycle they create in your body.
> I have been so effective in control of these intestinal parasites, through
> daily doses of CS, that I have not suffered a single incident in five years,
> nor have I had a single case of dengue fever during that same time, which I
> used to get about 2-3 times a year.
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Wetterauer, Letitia [MWPS]" <lkwet...@iastate.edu>
> To: <silver-list@eskimo.com>
> Sent: Monday, April 07, 2003 3:28 PM
> Subject: CS>New to list
> > Hello,
> > I have been investigating colloidal silver lately after a long journey
> with entomoeba histolytica and other health problems, especially in the last
> year. I was diagnosed with hypothyroidism (have been hypo for years but
> ignored), adrenal hypofunction, and entomoeba histolytica infection. I was
> treated for the amoeba with flagyl a month after the thyroid diagnosis which
> was a disastrous health period of beginning the wrong kind of thyroid
> therapy and not getting any treatment for adrenal fatigue on top of it. So,
> the flagyl just about killed me. It was prescribed by a totally parasite
> ignorant doctor after I took the initiative to get a GI test on my own and
> brought him the results and the treatment protocol. I just was not able to
> handle 10 days of Flagyl at 750mg/day. I quit after day 4. At about that
> time, I got a new out of state thyroid doctor and was put on all T3, and low
> dose cortef. Over the next few months, my health improved greatly, except
> that I still had the bug. !
> > I visited a new doctor to see what other meds I could take for the amoeba.
> He ran blood tests and determined that I no longer had it. Well, others more
> knowledgeable informed me that blood tests were not good indicators whether
> I did or didn't still have this infection. I came to the conclusion that I
> still had it because I knew I was not right.
> >
> > Histolytica is a nasty parasite that bores into the intestinal lumen and
> other soft tissue (liver, brain) and hides. It also produces copious amounts
> of infective cysts. It makes substances that turn off the immune system. I
> live in an area where these type of parasite infections are fairly unknown
> by doctors and doctors are woefully ignorant. I knew I would not likely get
> help from any local or statewide doc and there was only one other "approved"
> medication available to me that was very nasty. So, I needed a systemic drug
> that would get these hiders as well as something to kill the cysts. I
> decided to order Tinidazole from overseas. It is not approved here in the US
> because the drug companies have decided it won't be profitable. It kills the
> amoeba and cysts in just 3 days, which is much more tolerable for sick
> people. It must be followed with another antibiotic (paromomycin,
> Iodoquinol, or Yodoxin) for 2 weeks to 20 days in order to take care of the
> remaining cysts. I was n!
> > ot able to get any of these others. So, I happened on a product called
> Silver & Clove, which contains colloidal silver, berberine (known to kill
> amoeba) and a few other things. I used that for a 3 weeks, while I waited
> for the tinidazole to arrive and I had pretty good results. Then after
> taking the tinidazole I continued using Silver & Clove for over a week. Now,
> I am using a 500ppm colloidal silver preparation alone on the second week
> after the tinidazole. I sure hope this kills the cysts or I will be very
> unhappy. 3 days of Tinidazole is quite toxic enough. I'm not keen at all on
> doing it again.
> >
> > So, what I was wondering is: Does anyone know how good colloidal silver is
> at killing cysts of amoebic dysintery? Also, I am wondering what it does to
> healthy gut flora. One of the things that I need to do is reestablish
> healthy life forms in the gut. I've read that people use it all the time.
> Does this affect nutrient uptake, since some life forms are needed for good
> digestion and digestive tract health? It is claimed it will control yeast,
> but I have read one person's personal account who did not get yeast control.
> This scares me as to whether then it really is totally effective against
> amoeba cysts.
> >
> > Thanks
> > Tish
> >
> >
> >
> > --
> > The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.
> >
> > Instructions for unsubscribing may be found at: http://silverlist.org
> >
> > To post, address your message to: silver-list@eskimo.com
> >
> > Silver-list archive: http://escribe.com/health/thesilverlist/index.html
> >
> > List maintainer: Mike Devour <mdev...@eskimo.com>
> >
> >