The reason that using 6 volts works so well but takes longer that 27 volts is that the lower voltage draws less current. If you use a constant current generator, it lowers the voltage for you automatically as the process goes. Essentially, as the CS gets stronger, the voltage gets weaker and releases ions at a constant [preferably slow] rate. The major keys to making small particle CS is controlled current taylored to your specific electrode surface area and spacing...and even distribution of the ions as they are released. [stirring]

A silver coin will sit in plain water for centuries virtually unchanged. Why would drinking that water do anything?

AC [alternating current] means that the electricity reverses polarity at some frequency...60 times per second in America, 50 times per second in Europe.
 DC [direct current] does not change polarity.

AC and DC are two different animals like a zebra and a mule that both look like equivalency to chart other than they both can pull a plow.

Other than variations in dissolved gasses due to atmospheric conditions, water is still H2O just like it was for the Egyptions. Hydrogen and oxygen haven't changed. It was probably a global weather shift that made the desert, though over grazing has fairly recently expanded it. That area is still pretty much like it was for the old Egyptians. They didn't create that desert.
 That's not to say that people "can't" make a desert.

Something major happened world wide about 15,000 - 20,000 years ago. It "might" have been people related. Possibly a big nuke war. Not so much too many people, just some very mean ones.
 Or it could have been a meteor strike.


At 11:07 PM 4/6/2003 -0400, you wrote:


the person who introduced me to the great world of CS told me that ,I think it was the Egyptians, would put a silver coin in a container of water and just let it sit until they got sick one day and drank it and within a day would be healed of anything that ailed them. so my theory is by us hastening the process due to being the impatient creatures we are, we don't allow nature to take its course for a proper silver colloid.

by the Egyptians just letting the silver dollar sit ,w/o interference the silver atoms disintegrated at a much slower place which gave it the time to create the current in the water then break off at it's own course. but when we make CS in a mechanical process and not in the natural we don't get the most desired and most perfect silver colloid. so we must experiment with it a little to replicate what would naturally occur. in that article where that guy used an oxygen pump and a 6 (volt?) DC converter to make CS he made an astounding discovery. LESS IS BETTER. but because of our lifestyles and conditioning we are used to wanting the bigger, better, faster things in life. for example a modem is not good enough we want the cable modem and etc. back to the theory...

first by him adding oxygen to the water it was a closer model to the Egyptians water which makes for a better current. there water was all natural no processing no chemicals and etc. as the water boy Adam Sandler puts it "now that's some high quality H2O."

then by using a low electrical method for a slower process closer to the Egyptians product, to produce the CS it probably makes it the closest we've come to the purest most perfect CS ever produced... yet. haha.

also if my information is correct which I believe it is coming from a strong environmentalist with some backyard science back round. all the deserts in the far east such as Egypt were rainforests but due to human interference every last tree was cut down turning the rain forests of Egypt to a hot, baron, dry, sandy useless waste of land. i assume taking a large factory of oxygen away from the world. decreasing conversion of carbon dioxide to oxygen making it harder for the rest of the trees to deal with the booming rate of the worlds population increase which causes more carbon dioxide to be manufactured with less oxygen manufacturers causes a lesser purity of the air we breath which happens to be a key part to the water we use to make CS.

the whole point of the rain forest story is because to have what the Egyptians HAD I want every aspect of my experiment to be as identical to the Egyptians time frame, environment and so on.

now I plan to do a little experiment of my own using this guys method but due to limited resources the product won't be what I really want, but close for now...

I need a little input from my fellow friends on the silver list. is there a conversion table to AC and DC? ( like there is with Fahrenheit and Celsius) if so can you refer me to a website or give me the mathematical conversion? the experiment procedure will follow in the next E-mail.

thanx in advance.

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