i will take into consideration that leaving a silver coin in water will have 
little if any change but i ask you to explain why the "blue skins" eating off 
of SILVERware, real silver ware survived plagues? the blue skins nicknamed due 
to there amount of silver intake causeing the graying of the skin hence blue 
skins had no battery or any mechanical ways to produce CS or did they?  

----- Original Message -----
From: Ode Coyote
Sent: Monday, April 07, 2003 8:26 AM
To: silver-list@eskimo.com
Subject: Re: CS>help me make the most perfect CS EVER

   The reason that using 6 volts works so well but takes longer that 27  
volts is that the lower voltage draws less current.
  If you use a constant current generator, it lowers the voltage for you  
automatically as the process goes.
  Essentially, as the CS gets stronger, the voltage gets weaker and  
releases ions at a constant [preferably slow] rate.
  The major keys to making small particle CS is controlled current taylored  
to your specific electrode surface area and spacing...and even distribution  
of the ions as they are released. [stirring]

  A silver coin will sit in plain water for centuries virtually  
unchanged.  Why would drinking that water do anything?

AC [alternating current] means that the electricity reverses polarity at  
some frequency...60 times per second in America, 50 times per second in Europe.
  DC [direct current] does not change polarity.

  AC and DC are two different animals like a zebra and a mule that both  
look like horses...no equivalency to chart other than they both can pull a  

Other than variations in dissolved gasses due to atmospheric conditions,  
water is still H2O just like it was for the Egyptions.  Hydrogen and oxygen  
haven't changed.
  It  was  probably a global weather shift that made the desert, though  
over grazing has fairly recently expanded it.
  That area is still pretty much like it was for the old Egyptians. They  
didn't create that desert.
  That's not to say that people "can't" make a desert.

Something major happened world wide about 15,000 - 20,000 years ago. It  
"might" have been people related.  Possibly a big nuke war. Not so much too  
many people, just some very mean ones.
  Or it could have been a meteor strike.
