Here is some information on the alien theory of blue bloods:

      Of all power elite, none are more powerful than the bluebloods of
      Europe, especially Queen Elizabeth. It is their genetics which
      predisposes their offspring to become type B's, and it is that trait
      which assures they remain in power. Thus, royal families
      discourage marriage outside the bloodline, for that would dilute
      the B factor.

      The term "blueblood" is also of interest in all this. Taken literally,
      blue blood must be reliant upon copper for oxygen transport, and
      various models of such blood has been formulated by
      researchers. Blue blood is utilized by tarantulas and slugs for such
      purposes, whose tissues simply bathe in the substance rather
      than being infused with veins.

      Were blue blood genetics mixed with normal human red blood, an
      incompatibility would result that would remain in the family until
      either is diluted beyond effect.  The middle zone of too much blue
      or too much red can result in hemophaelia.

      Hemophaelia runs rampant in royal families because their blue
      blood genetics has been tainted by red blood. This is not to say
      that all hemophaeliacs are type B sociopaths, but that the disorder
      is certainly a cofactor.

      Other genetic problems arise from incompatibility between blue
      and red genetics.

      For example, psoriasis has been found to be higher in type A
      sociopaths than in control groups. Also, doctors notice that those
      of high intelligence are predisposed to eczema. Both are
      disorders characterized by scaling of the skin. Type B sociopaths,
      who are intelligent versions of type A, are therefore prone to such
      scaling of the skin.

      Those descendant of blue bloodlines also have higher
      frequencies of psoriasis, perhaps confirming a link.


It's hard to say. My understanding of it is that the secret government is not
connected with the Nazis but with world
bankers, old money and what's called the "black nobility". These were the
blue-bloods of Europe. They actually did
have blue blood, and it was not hemoglobin based but copper based. They were
semi-human. There are still to this
day, some animal species in South America that have copper based blood systems.
There was a problem with
hemophilia, and not because of intermarrying. The problem was that they started 
marry outside of the copper
based blood system. Hemoglobin and copper systems don't mix. That's where the 
against marrying
commoners originated.

There are many more articles on the net that discuss this, but some of them are 
too far out for me. :>


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