Both Tesla and Westinghouse advocated AC, but when it got down to the
real fight it was between Westinghouse Electric, and Commonwealth


Owen Jones wrote:

> You're off by about 100 years - It was Tesla who advocated AC; and the
> reason is because AC can be "transformed" from one voltage to another
> (using a transformer).  When electricity is transported over wires for
> long distances the voltage must be high (thousands of volts) to
> minimize losses.  This would not be possible with DC.  AC can easily
> be converted to DC using diodes.  Owen
>>      I have a question it is not directly related to CS but I
>>      will be able to use the info at a later time possibly.
>>      when Thomas Edison was trying to convince people to
>>      standardize DC electric. and i think it was ??Ben
>>      Franklin?? who was going against that and got AC electric
>>      standardized why didn't they go with DC. from what I read
>>      DC sounds like a better choice. there no change in the
>>      current. you know exactly what voltage your getting. was
>>      it due to bens political influence or is there a real
>>      reason.