Thank you, Bob.   Your explanations have always been very

I saved your original post, and even printed it up.  Where it is
today is another matter!


In a message dated 4/8/03 2:39:15 PM Central Daylight Time, writes:

> Hi Luara,
>  There has been "to much water over the dam" for me to remember what I 
>  When I run equal sized electrodes i.e. #14 x 5" wet silver wires spaced
>  about 1 1/2" with constant voltage supply (anything 6v to 36v), I turn off
>  the voltage when the current reaches about 3 to 4 ma. The voltage level 
>  determines how fast things will go as will the amout of DW being used.. The
>  time is also affected by the inital conductane of the DW as well as its
>  temperature.
>  Once you specify what you want to do then estimates canbe made ofwhatyou
>  will get and the time required. There is NO
>  substitute for a digital multi meter. Harbor Freight Co sells them for
>  $3.99. That is a good deal  I have several in use and one in the box on the
>  shelf.
>  But there have been a lot of improvements since that day.
>  "Ole Bob"

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