On Thu, 10 Apr 2003 13:01:23 -0500, "Maryanna Bailes"
<maryannab...@msn.com> wrote:

>Would like to ask a question of Mike D....I have diabetes and also
>hyperlipidemia...My children have been wondering if I might have sleep apnea
>as well; I have some symptoms of it...Can a diabetic go on the carbyhydrate
>diet?..I have been researching this and found that some have an issue with
>diabetics going on the carbohydrate diet as it causes too much protein for
>the kidneys to handle.

I assume you mean a LOW-carbohydrate diet.  The answer is YES.  Lower
is better.

Look at the diet here, which may answer your questions:

(the main WWW site has a daily menu you might want to try):
See: <http://homodiet.netfirms.com/index.html>

-- Dean -- from (almost) Des Moines -- KB0ZDF

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