
Be wary of the advice you hear from those who do not speak with the voice of 
experience.  Acne is primarily a condition caused by liver congestion.  There 
is often a relationship between acne and acidic body conditions.  David's 
earlier advice was about the best I've seen.

Taking colloidal silver will not cure severe acne.  It can help to control it.

The first thing that needs to be done is a complete bowel cleanse.  You need to 
test the PH levels of the body, and if the ph level of your saliva is 6.5 or 
below, you need to correct this.  You may find that your PH level is between 
4.5 - 5.1.  When the PH level of the fluids in the soft tissues is more acidic 
than the normal range of your skin, no treatment will be successful.

Your elimination system needs to be stimulated.  Your colon must be restored.  
This alone can take a substantial amount of time.  Then, the liver must be 
restored to health.  Many of the supplements on the market today are not easy 
on the liver.  So taking mass supplements without a targeted purpose for each 
one can result in the exact opposite:  An increase in the exteriorization of 
the condition.

Any established and chronic infection can be tough to wipe out, even when the 
conditions that cause the problem are reversed.  Colloidal silver may start to 
become more effective as the conditions in your body are corrected.  Keep in 
mind that chronic acne is cyclic.  Colloidal silver used topically can do two 
things:  stop the spreading of bacteria on the surface of your skin, or 
increase the spread... Depending on how dry your skin is.  Better to make a 
very light gel with CS and aloe vera.  MSM added is beneficial.

Taking extremely large quantities of colloidal silver ( orally ) may 
effectively treat the condition.  However, this is not adviseable, as if you 
don't identify and correct the cause, you'll be setting yourself up for some 
severe problems.  Some very tough conditions, such, as nuero-syphilis, can take 
as much as 32 ounces of colloidal silver daily to cure.

There are many avenues of approach; some are very expensive, and some quite 
affordable.  A great place to start is looking over the cleansing program 
advocated by the folks altcancer.com.

You cannot focus on assimilation of anything until your address the elimination 
problem.  Your lack of appetite is point and case.  Drink quality water, get 
your PH levels in line, and get your digestive system straightened out, and 
you'll experience a marked improvement.

So my best advice is to buckle down, start studying some of the more serious 
philosophies of natural medicine, and develop a philosophy to approaching the 

Best Regards,


  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: jay ice 
  To: silver-list@eskimo.com 
  Sent: Thursday, April 17, 2003 11:29 AM
  Subject: Re: CS>whats wrong with my colloidal silver linda

  bacteria problem (acne) 2 years.  i am hungry but i just take a look at food 
and nothing is appetizeing. foods i once liked don't even taste good. it's all 
just food. i have no food  i like any more.  its a battery operated colloidal 
silver generator. very basic. $40.00 i guess i will get a ppm tester. does 
price have anything to do with quality when buying a ppm tester.

  e82...@aol.com wrote:
    Honey, it sounds like you are definitely overdoing it a tad on everything.  
Just how long have you had this "bacteria" problem?  If you are using JUST CS 
and nothing else...like the peroxide in the CS...you should NOT have any acne 
problem.  The youghurt is not for the acne...it is to try and calm down your 
digestive system which at this point sounds like it's in deep trouble if you 
are not hungry.
    If I were you (this is just if I were you and NOT to be considered medical 
advice) I would just back it down with the vitamins, grapefruit pills, etc. and 
just clean out my system and give it a rest.  You sound like you are bombarding 
your system right now and it's doing  what it should - violently react to 
everything.  I have this virus and I tried to knock it out of my system by 
taking ! about 10 oz of CS every day.  The only thing it did was make the virus 
"mad" and made me feel worse!!!  I stopped the CS for a few days and then 
gradually (and I do mean gradually) started taking one oz a day and now I feel 
better.  You need to remember the CS is just like a drug...but it is nature's 
drug...and you don't have to overdo it to get the benefits.  I, too, thought 
that more was better....NO it it no
    How are you making your CS?  What kind of generator are you using?  Is it 
electric or battery?  The battery ones tend to get a bit weak and your mixture 
would therefore be weak also.  I use the Silver Generator from Silver Puppy.  
That is the best.  I also spent about $20 some dollars and bought a PPM tester 
(Hanna) off Ebay.  Now I don't have to guess my strength....I test it.  
    I definitely would recommend stopping the peroxide immediately.  Make up a 
brand new batch of CS right now and throw the o! ld batches away.  They are not 
doing you any good and maybe they are harming you.  You are not supposed to 
ingest stuff like peroxide and that could possibly be causing your problems.  
    Hey, it's worth a try, yes?  This way you can eliminate everything and then 
very gradually start adding things back to your body gradually...
    What originally started this "bacteria" thing anyway?  Was it a cut or 
something like that on your face...or are you just being fastidious about your 
appearance?  Or is it something you just think is there and you wish to be rid 
of?  I am a Reiki Master as well and I do what is called "distance healings".  
Let me know and maybe we can work out something on that line to cure you of 
this problem.  No, I do not charge for this long distance healing either.
    Love and light to you J

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