Try this.


  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: FHLew 
  Sent: Wednesday, April 23, 2003 8:59 PM
  Subject: Re: CS>CS Generator

  Kathie wrote:

   < I don't have a way to check PPM... >

        Where are you Trem ? I need one myself, urgently.I emailed you sometime 
ago on the same subject.

  With regards

    ----- Original Message ----- 
    Sent: Thursday, April 24, 2003 1:35 AM
    Subject: CS>CS Generator

    Hi all...
    For @$7.00 we found a 2 qt Pyrex pitcher with a plastic cover at Walmart... 
We put 2 holes in the lid about 5" apart, suspended the silver wire into 2 qts 
of distilled water and attached alligator clips to the silver wires on top of 
the pitcher. We then placed 3 9v batteries together in series to form the 

    To connect the batteries required 3 9v battery connectors...Radio 
    They're soldered together 'in series'... To do this solder 1 black 
alligator clip to the first black wire...solder the red wire to the black wire 
of the next connector...then repeat soldering the red wire of the final 
connector to the red alligator clip... If you don't solder plastic connectors 
available to attach the wires...

    When the alligator clips are connected to the silver wires poking through 
the plastic top...remember not to let the silver wires touch. By touching they 
will short, the batteries will overheat and possibly cause a fire... and the CS 
process stops.

    Also at Walmart is a cheap aquarium pump...under $7.00 and a stone aerator 
and plastic hose for @ $2.00. Place the aerator in the the pour spout of the 
Pyrex pitcher with the plastic tubing connected to the pump...Then plug in the 
pump to create air bubbles...

    We usually run this process for @ 5hours... Less now that we have CS to 
'seed' our next batch.

    I don't have a way to check PPM, but our CS is clear with slight metallic 
taste... seems to work fine...and the Pyrex pitcher has a handy pour spout 
which is a real plus. We save our CS in glass mason jars. I put them in the 
cabinet, but thanks to "Ole Bob", I don't worry anymore that the jars are 

    Someone mentioned an inexpensive device to measure PPM...I'd appreciate 
that information again...And thanks to everyone on this for all the great 

    Comments to improve our process are welcome. 