Thanks for the info/recipe. Yea, right now Hanneke is working with me on my 
diet. I am going the natural way. When ever she gives me the word I am going to 
do a thorough cleansing: kidney, liver, parisite, etc. the whole nine yards. 
Once I get used to the new lifestyle I will have better results, actually 
longer lasting results. I have made it to the point where my face clears up but 
with in a few day's it goes right back, like I never left. Thanks.Jay

Dan Nave <> wrote:Hey Jay Ice, Have you tried any 
cleansing protocols such as liver cleansing and kidney cleansing? I 
particularly like the liver cleanse that is recommended by Hulda Clark which 
uses Epsom salts and half a cup of olive oil with fresh squeezed grapefruit 
juice.  This has really provided good results for me.  And it is really cheap! 
Bowel cleansing is helpful for a lot of people, especially those who are 
constipated.  Richard Schulze has a good system, I'm sure there are more 
available.  Hulda Clark makes a lot out of parasite cleansing which may be 
required for some as well. Dan


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