Dear Mr. Berger,

I went to the web site you suggested and read it VERY carefully. I found the 
following sentence "Due to the differing experimental procedures, conclusions 
are difficult at best."

I was not asking you to validate the fact that ionic or particulate silver 
works, I was asking you to qualify your statement "I know that ionic silver 
is superior." Perhaps you misunderstood me.

"A belief or conclusion held with confidence but not substantiated by 
positive knowledge or proof" The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English 
Language, Fourth Edition    
Andrew Scott

From: Robert Berger

Mr. Scott,

Please go to and read it VERY carefully.

The patented and FDA approved silverlon bandage is metalic silver
aqueously plated on to a nylon web.

The metallic silver in contact with an open wound will generate ionic
silver as they indicate. Look at the pictures of the healing that this
bandage has done.

They used to has a picture of a finger that was cut-off just behind the
nail, and in four months it had grown back. I have that picture on my
computer, but it is to large to put on this list.

The reason that one is instructed to swish the EIS (cs) in the mouth for
1 to 2 minutes is to form a metallo-protien, as the body cannot adsorb a
metal. It must be in some form of a chelate.

I suggest that you review the pioneers and their technique for keeping
milk pure as they traveled across the plaines in their cover wagons.
They would place a silver dollar in the water and milk buckets. The
gentil action of the rosking of the wagon allowed silver ions to come
off the coins and keep them from spoiling.

You can go the same, put a piece of silver wire in a clean 1/2 liter
cola bottle and fill it almost full with milk. Shake it gentlily and
leave it sit outside the frig. Do the same for another bottle but do not
put silver in it. Check each bottle after about 4 days.

Maybe you never read my post on the effect of striing tropical mountain
water with a silver wire and then running a culture study on it and the
untreated sample. Look in the archives. I have postes it several times
in the past.

If you need more do your home work!!!!

I do not deal in opinions, just facts.

"Ole Bob"