

I've had experience with this type of phenominon, but not with silver,
through my experience with healing clays.

Apparently, the silver crystalized in tissue, reached the lymphatic system,
and was then ejected through skin.  This is not as uncommon as some might
think.  I certainly don't see any danger, as once the silver is crystalized,
it will not likely bind with proteins.  The lymphatic system is well capable
of handling such situations, although occassionally it apparently needs some

This is more food for thought considering what is possible, with silver, in
the human body.  There are quite a few distorted perspectives out there
based on basic chemistry theory backed by little clinical experience.

Rather than having to type out the whole thing again, let me cross-post a
recent commentary posted to yet another list:

"...This is the question of the hour.  To illustrate the challenges
involved, let
me highlight one point:

Robert O. Becker, MD, demonstrated conclusively that silver ions, when
injected into a solution containing living cancer cells, COULD ( as apposed
to always would ) cause the cancer cells to revert to healthy cells.  There
were clear morphogenic changes that he conclusively documented.  The
principle he, perhaps indirectly, put into practice was iontophoresis...
Except the drug delivered was from the electrode itself!

However, I was recently informed that a similiar procedure with a very high
grade colloidal silver was performed ( and accidently, I might add! ).  The
isolated silver killed the cancer cells.

Clearly, right here, we are seeing a difference directly related to the
ogliodynamic properties of the two "silvers".

If we are to believe the report, and I most certainly do, then the most
obvious conclusion is:

That the silver ions injected via electrolysis had a kenetic energy (
motion ), a zeta potential, or an electromagnetic state ( or the entire
environment was thus effected ) which improved the ogliodynamic properties.
The silver ion penetrated the cell wall and affected a change.

The silver ions in the recent report did not penetrate the cell wall
completely, but rather ( likely ) inhibited cellular respiration ( cancer
cells tend to carry a greater negative charge than normal cells ), or, the
cell membrane was effected allowing easier penetration of the silver ion.

These conditions can theoretically be reproduced in the body via chemical
reactions ( rather than via electrolysis )...

This is just one example of how drawing conclusions based on data that is
simply not there can make perfect sense but be totally wrong.

Throw silver crystals into the equation, or preformed silver compounds, and
it is easy to see how things can become confusing.

The solution still lies in a basic idea:  Isolate and eliminate variables.

A low PPM isolated silver produced with a refined method will not be
effective if it cannot reach the area in the body of concern, and in great
enough concentration, and for a long enough period of time, to be effective.

A higher PPM agglomerated isolated silver may be effective in this case, but
not because the product is of greater quality.  In such a case, it could
simply be because the concentration of silver is high.  In the same
scenario, this silver may not even reach areas of the body that another type

In the body, we need to find a way to study two types of conditions to
understand comparisons:

Those where direct and maintained contact can be assured.

Those where the silver ingested must travel through the blood stream in
order to reach the area of concern.

One again must be careful.  As an example, a sore throat is not a valid
test, as silver ions will attach to the throat far more readily than silver
particles will.  The fact that the silver ions are a more effective
treatment does not conclusively demonstrate that the silver ions were
actually more effective on the condition, only that most of the silver
particles simply traveled to the stomach...."



What great information you come up with.  Here's one to ponder.  I have a
friend with metasisized cancer.  Since I had received a few anecdotal
reports from customers that had their cancers disappear from using copious
amounts of CS, I asked her if she wanted to try using our CS on an unlimited
trial basis.  I would supply as much as she needed or wanted and she in turn
would give me feedback on her condition.  She had tumors the size of racquet
balls on her large intestine and another behind her esophagus that kept her
from turning her head easily.  It also inhibited her swallowing.  She was
sure she wouldn't be able to get much of it down because of that.  I gave
her 2 liters daily to see what changes she could affect.  She called me in
several days and said she was able to swallow and also was able to turn her
head without feeling the tumor pressing on her esophagus.  She called after
3 weeks and said X-rays showed the other large tumors had shrunken to the
size of cosmetic cotton balls.  Said she was feeling good.  She called in 6
weeks and told me X-rays showed the intestinal tumors had disappeared and
that all her blood work was normal.  She was convinced it was the CS that
did the trick because she was not using chemo or any radiation.  She had
gone through that 10 years earlier when first diagnosed with breast cancer
and had been pronounced cured.  When it reappeared about a year ago the
doctors wanted to start chemo again.  She said no and decided to take her
chances on alternatives.  So apparently CS was working for her.  She then
purchased one of our high volume generators and stared drinking a gallon per

After a few months she called and said she had noticed something kind of
scratchy feeling in the palm of one hand while folding laundry.  Looking at
it she saw bright silver like crystals in the palm of her hand.  She said
they were barely protruding through the surface of her skin and she could
not pull them using tweezers.  They were not painful but were plainly
visible.  She stopped using CS and within a few days they had disappeared.
Her skin did not turn color.  I did not get to see them but believe her.
She then resumed using CS but at a reduced quantity.  I haven't been in
contact with her for a while but asked her to let me know if she had any
recurrence of the crystals.  She has not contacted me.

This leaves me with some food for thought.  Have you heard of any similar
circumstances?  Has anyone out there heard of anything happening like this?


----- Original Message -----
From: Jason Eaton
Sent: Saturday, May 03, 2003 8:49 AM
Subject: CS>Refute for silver chloride ( cure for Argyria )

Greetings, all:

Let me tell you two stories about silver chloride:

The first had to do with an embarrasing debate with a capable group of
chemists who became interested in silver applications in the body.  When I
mentioned that silver chloride was ineffective, they informed me that this
was unequivocally not true.  They informed me that while silver nitrate was
a bench mark for silver products testing, silver chloride had often been
used in comparitive antibacterial analysis.  At the time, I was able to find
a total of three such study references.

When I further insisted that it wouldn't be bioavailable, they again told me
it wasn't true.  I had two such experiences with different chemists.

All of them became far more interested in the discussion of isolated silver,
and I simply filed away an alternate viewpoint, and "unlearned" what was
apparently not accurate information.

Then, about two months ago, I was contacted by an individual with an amazing

This individual utilized 32 ounces of silver chloride daily for 2.5 years
and cured a very late stage case of nuero-syphilis.

The silver chloride was produced in ten minute batches using the 3 nine's
method of production with no controls.

I have since spent several hours on the phone with this individual.

The second part of this story:

By ingesting large amounts of a high concentration silver salt, the
individual acquired argyria.  It was likely a bit more severe than Stan
Jones, but certainly not an aggravated condition like Rosemary Jacobs' (
aggravated by dermabrasion ).  It was bad enough to turn heads in a grocery

However, this individual didn't stop with eliminating his lethal condition.
He also reversed the argyria.

Many have long discussed the possibility of using Vitamin E, Selenium, and
other supplements with a cleansing program to reverse the condition,
however, we've never seen someone actually accomplish it.  It took six
months of dedicated effort, but the individual's skin complexion returned to
absolute normal.

Furthermore, the individual stopped taking the supplement program, resumed
silver use, and his skin began to change once again.  Whereby he resumed the
supplementation, and the skin returned to normal.

Apparently, the silver build-up in the body when it reaches high enough
levels to deposit visible silver in the skin is quite extensive.  The
process of removal is slow, but effective.

Furthermore, the individual actually had spirochetes in the eyes; the only
thing that remains is slight scar tissue, and the individual, who was losing
the use of the eyes, can see perfectly fine.

The list of symptoms with such an event is extensive.  The individual was
near liver failure, and within three months of initial silver use, was all
but completely restored to full health.  Fevers spiking 3-5 times daily, a
chronic and severe lung infection, inflammation of the liver, shut down of
the body's elimination systems, loss of reduction of cognitive ability,
extreme and disabling fatigue are among the symptoms that fell to the power
of this... Silver Chloride.

Obviously silver choride as a product is not equal to the superior isolated
silver products.  However, the question remains:  Would consuming isolated
silver have delivered enough actual silver content to the body to be
effective in this case?

What would have happened to this individual had he listened, not to Mark
Metcalf, but to others?  He would not have been able to make enough silver
to match, microgram for microgram, the amount of silver he actually did

Of course, we can never know.  These cases are relatively rare.

But I can tell you that I will be joining those chemists with their
"chuckles" that silver chloride is not effective.

I'm working this weekend on doing a write up about the ingredients used, the
exact proportions, and the protocol he used to reverse the condition.

I believe the days of fearing smurfism are coming to an end.

Best Regards,


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