Dear List Members,

   A few weeks ago we had an extended discusssion on nebulizing CS for SARS
patients.  I appreciated all the thoughts and POVs I received from you.
Since then, I've had the opportunity to present CS to a group of physicians
on Hong Kong.  It was received with mixed feelings, but the dialogue between
us remains alive today.  Here is one of the  comments I've received from the
Hong Kong group.  Please note the fourth item down on nebulizer treatments
for SARS.

Good day, Catherine,

Here are a few things that you must know--

* The hypoxemia is severe and the CXR can deteriorate rapidly. Patients
desaturate at the slightest provocation - talking, movement, coughing.

* There is a preponderance of barotrauma, even in nonventilated patients -
pneumothoraces, pneumomediastinum, and surgical emphysema.

* Weaning from mechanical ventilation can be difficult and prolonged. While
oxygenation eventually improves, many patients are easily fatigued.

* We cannot use a nebulizer. This is probably the single most important
factor in the spread of droplets on the medical ward at the Prince of Wales
Hospital in early March. The patient who received the nebulizer has been
identified as the index case for this hospital. Many patients, healthcare
workers, and relatives who entered that ward contracted SARS.

* Because of the vast improvement of patients when high dose steroids are
introduced it has become apparent that the majority of damage being caused
to the lungs is not from the pathogen but from an over-response by the
immune system.

 I look forward to continued discussions.

[Name deleted]


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