I have encountered an indeterminate Mail Program failure in my 
Netscape mail system......one which prevents me from accessing my Inbox and/or 
downloading my incoming messages.  I get an error-prompt stating  "Netscape has 
caused an error in NETSCAPE.EXE"    Netscape will now Close.   I encountered 
this same problem about a year ago....after  much palaver and "wand-waving" and 
$100 charge, my local software Guru remedied the problem.....but never did tell 
me what he had done.....Exactly!  I will endeavor to have the problem remedied 
ASAP.  Meantime, this Yahoo facsimile will be my connection with the List.
          Persons attempting to contact me via email, "privately", will be 
forced to use this (Yahoo) address.......until I can get the existing problem 
          My apologies to all for taking up this much bandwidth explaining my 
plight, but there are several list members  with whom I have ongoing 
contact....and this is my first opportunity to inform all that I have been 
unable to receive ANY mail since Saturday last.
                    Sincerely,  Brooks Bradley.

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