A.J.F. Go just a little more and get a solar panel. The one (1.5v) I have will 
make a qt of 7 to 10 ppm CS in about 10 hrs. Just it going to the two .9999 
silver wires. No fancy stuff here.
Sincerely Yours,
  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: carpae.d...@cox.net 
  To: silver-list@eskimo.com 
  Cc: carpae.d...@cox.net 
  Sent: Monday, June 09, 2003 2:55 PM
  Subject: CS>$$$ perpectives

  Hello All :)
  1-pack cigarettses=$5.00 x 2 x 7 = $70.00 per week...
  1-tank high-test gasoli...@$1.80 x 15 x 2 = $54.00 per week...
  1-family (of 4) outing at the movies = @ $50.00...
  1 PWT meter should be very affordable if it's value is traded 
   against these luxery commodities, over the course of just one  
   calendar week.... 
  If that's not good enough, then consider the Emergency Room treatment of just 
one severe case of the flu... @ $150.00+ and that dose not even include the 
cost of expensive medications/antibiotics...
  That's how I justified going out and dropping $500.00 on a Silvergen
  SG-7 pro C.S. generator... It makes 5 gallons of extremely high grade C.S., 
in the time that a little unit makes a cup full of low grade C.S. Also, in the 
advent of a major Bio-Attack, my friends and family will have a liberal supply 
at all times... I'm prior service, and have a little knowledge of how terrorism 
operates... SARS was & is probably just a test of how the real (probably soon 
to be released ) killer bio-weapon pathogen will spread. They are studying The 
SARS Pattern, and analyzing the spread pattern... Also the true 
  Bio-weapon is probably a strain of something that is based on resistance to 
what was observed to be practicable on a mass treatment scale by the U.S. & 
Canada... However, If you have a C.S. generator & even better the entire set of 
E.M. devices that go with the Dr. Robert Beck protocol... Then rest easy, you 
will be just fine... Just do not plan on being able to buy C.S. through the 
mail, once the real Bio-weapon is deployed... The U.S.P.S. will be under 
quarantine and shut down... When I was 16 the house next door was blown up by 
soviet terrorist... They planted 2 bombs... A little one to get every ones 
attention, and a bigger one to kill the curious people that would naturally try 
to start inspecting the 
  ruins @ an hour later... SARS is probably modified G.W.I. 
(microplasma-fermentiens (incognitos-strain)), that Sadam shot at our troops in 
aerosol-tipped warheads atop scud missiles, during Dessert Storm...