Eeeny Meeny, Jelly Beeny,
I predict, the list god is about to SPEAK!!!!


Hail to the Sun God! He is the Fun God! Ra! Ra! Ra!

On Tue, 17 Jun 2003 12:12:52 -0400 (EDT), (Becky) wrote:

>This is in response to ole Bob's post concerning microchipping.  Since I
>can never respond to the posts concerning your scientific work I am
>taking the liberty of an "off topic" comment....I won't do it again.
>Bob, you said:  "That has caused much anger in the religious community
>as satan's world wide numbering system. 
>"Ole Bob" Electircal Engineer "
>The "mark of the beast" is IN one's forehead, which is where one's MIND
>is, his brain.  Or,
>on one's right hand, which is symbolic of the work one does.  NObody in
>his right mind will allow themselves to be microchipped by Satan, on
>purpose.  He's smart enough to know that, too.  The "mark" is IN the
>mind, in one's brain,
>IN what a person KNOWS.
>Bottom line, one has the "mark of the beast"
>if that one believes the any moment theory, also referred to as the
>rapture theory, which lays the groundwork for accepting the spurious
>Messiah (Satan, the devil, the serpent) AS Jesus.  Jesus comes at the
>seventh trump, the farthest one out, and Satan comes pretending to be
>Jesus at the sixth trump.  To believe that 
>the first Jesus (Satan, who comes disquised as an angel of light) who
>appears is our Father in Heaven is to already have the "mark of the
>Okay, please don't throw me off the list....I can barely understand the
>posts as it is, but I am learning rapidly from you "scientific minded"
>individuals.  If you want to question me on the short synopsis above
>concerning current events you are welcome to email me at

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