I owe Mike Cinneli a thank you for telling me of this list last fall on the
FlaxOil list.  It got me started right in making cs. I know that it is doing
me a lot of good.  I don't understand much more about the technical dialogue
than my pet mutt but there would be no advances in the process of production
without it.  And besides that, the most highly qualified in the technical
side have all at one time or another explained the most elementary problems
so that a novice like me can understand.
An occasional mention of other supplements or protocols can be of great
value if they do not become a dominating factor.  Brooks B. mentioned
HCL/enzyme value. I'm now on it and have experienced a boost in my energy.
There are any number of things that have complimentary values. I have
nothing but praise for this group.  And a thank you to every one of you that
give your time and talent. When I consider what I have gotten from you,  I'd
have to say "the price is right".    Bob Smith

----- Original Message -----
From: "M. G. Devour" <mdev...@eskimo.com>
To: <silver-list@eskimo.com>
Sent: Saturday, June 21, 2003 8:54 AM
Subject: CS>List owner commentary...

> Greetings fellow and filly Silver Listers,
> I want to respond to a few recent comments and issues about list
> operations with a little education and explanation.
> First of all, I'd like to remind everyone that at the end of this and
> *every* message from the list is a footer that looks like this:
> *****
> The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal
> silver.
> Instructions for unsubscribing may be found at: http://silverlist.org
> To post, address your message to: silver-list@eskimo.com
> Silver-list archive: http://escribe.com/health/thesilverlist/index.html
> List maintainer: Mike Devour <mdev...@eskimo.com>
> *****
> I want to bring this to your notice to remind you that:
>    -- I'm here if you need me...
>    -- There's a web page for the list...
>    -- The archives at e-scribe exist.
>    -- All of this is available in every message!
> Please visit the Silver List web site and review the mission
> statement, list rules and etiquette for both the Silver List and the
> Silver Off Topic List if you haven't done so lately.
> Please read and appreciate the following, from our Mission Statement:
> ** We are here to welcome both newcomers and experienced users who
> want to learn about Colloidal Silver. We will share the most fair,
> unbiased, and good quality information we can, freely, without regard
> to ego or self interest.
> ** We will support and encourage each other, share the results of our
> experience, experiments, studies, and inspirations with CS, and act to
> maintain a welcoming and friendly atmosphere that nurtures a sense of
> community.
> ** We will identify and counter the hype, myths and propaganda that
> surround the subject of Colloidal Silver.
> ** We will study the art and science of Colloidal Silver production,
> testing, and use, so newcomers and experienced members alike will have
> the widest possible range of choices with reasonable certainty of
> success and minimum cost.
> Whether the list community upholds these values or not depends on the
> bahavior of each of you. Whether there *IS* a "community" or only a
> collection of competing individuals depends upon you as well.
> There are some here who could care less about the "touchy-feely crap"
> of grandbabies and friendly chit-chat. Sometimes they will even
> complain about it if it gets to be too much. However, that is the stuff
> of which "a welcoming and friendly atmosphere" is formed.
> Others of you, like Marsha, take umbrage at the endless technical
> nattering, a lot of which is over people's heads and akin to straining
> at gnats sometimes. Yet, as with the ongoing debate about current
> density, this is how we figure out new stuff that eventually makes
> things easier and more effective for everyone.
> We need to remember and remind each other that:
> ** Simple systems work well -- refinements can come later.
> ** Technical discussions can be safely ignored by non-techies.
> ** You'll get from the list what you ask for and contribute yourself.
> It is a wonder that the Silver List works as well as it does. We do not
> have the advantage of being like-minded people. No, we have as diverse
> a selection belief systems and attitudes as any you can find. This is
> why prohibiting the subjects of religion and politics is a no-brainer.
> I cracked the whip recently when Becky and Ole Bob began a commentary
> on the interpretation of the book of Revelations. It's not because I
> don't respect their views or have no interest in the subject, but
> simply because long experience shows that in about two or three more
> posts the topic would have *exploded* into a loud and voluminous
> doctrinal argument studded by complaints about the Off Topic thread.
> No fault of theirs, just a fact of human nature.
> That is why I set up the Silver Off Topic list. It's a place where we
> can more or less safely take on these kinds of topics. The major
> requirement is that you don't expect to win any converts, but accept
> the chance to clearly state your position and explore that of others.
> The Off Topic List is three clicks away:
>    Click on the Silver List web site link in the footer:
>        http://silverlist.org
>    Click on the Off Topic List link in the nav bar on the left...
>    Click on the Archives link to read what's going on...
>        ... or the To Post link if you want to contribute.
> I hope these remarks will remind everyone what we're here for. The one
> thing we *do* share is an interest in good health and the utility of
> Silver preparations and other "alternatives" in attaining it. That
> will, I hope keep us all sharing the best information we have "without
> regard to ego or self interest."
> It's the right thing to do.
> Be well,
> Mike Devour
> silver-list owner
> [Mike Devour, Citizen, Patriot, Libertarian]
> [mdev...@eskimo.com                        ]
> [Speaking only for myself...               ]