Pow-Map7/6/03 2:24 PM

Hello all,
My name is Maryanne and this is the 2nd CS list I've recently joined.  I
want to thank you all for the vast amount of information that you've all
shared and Mike, keep up the good work.  We need groups like this:)
My question is... Does any body know where I can get  CS tested?
Hi Maryanne, and welcome, I see that jr has supplied
you with a source for CS testing,  I have had them test
my homemade CS , as have others on this list.
You may rely on the results you will receive.

Please let us know the results, because if, in fact,
Innovative Natural Products are in fact producing
such a product I'm sure some members here  will
be interested.  
Please let us have an address and a price.

