Denise Every  7/16/03   1:24 AM

> A few days ago one of my dogs started up with an itchy ear
> and I was out of the CS I usually use, so made a quick trip
> to a local HFS to pick up some for immediate treatment.
> When I got home, I discovered it was a deep brownish gold
> color and was supposed to be 500 ppm... I diluted it down
> with distilled water to 10 ppm, and have been using it for
> the past several days, without any apparent improvement in
> his ear.

HI Denise,

I have been waiting for responses from posters
who should be better able to answer your question
about  INPs 500 PPM silver.
I went to their web site and discovered a few things
about  the company,  first they only sell to retailers,
there are no prices available.  Not only do they
offer a variety of CS, but they also offer a 2,000
PPM variety -- that is very questionable.

My suggestion would be to use what you have left
on the dog's ears undiluted, and if that doesn't help,
get your regular brand which, as you said, has
worked in the past.
Then return what is left of INP's silver to that HFS
for a refund and explain why you are returning it.
An honest seller should appreciate knowing of
your dissatisfaction with the product, their reputation
is riding on selling reliable product.

FINALLY  --  come on wiser heads than mine -
how about a little help foe Denise. The URL is:


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