Brickey asks:
> How did the lemonade fast work? 

Ummm, I got 6 days into it before being hit with a series of family 
parties and social engagements. <sigh> I took a week's break and have 
started again. It's feeling a *little* easier this time.

Meanwhile I've acquired the magnet wire, capacitors, and party strobes 
to build a couple of magnetic pulsers to go with my Clark style Zapper, 
and some food grade peroxide to supposedly duplicate the effects of 
ozonated water.

I've got my CS of course, so I'm almost ready to attempt an
approximation of Beck's full 4-step protocol for eliminating

After I've done that for a bit I'll attempt some kidney and liver 
cleanses, the latter being the whole point of this effort. I want to 
see how much easier it will be to normalize my weight with a liver 
that's working better.

> I lost 30 pounds on Atkins then nothing. 

They're right when they say you'll slow down to nothing on "hidden 
carbs." I'm saddened by just how tight the requirements really are.

A suggestion: visit and order Faigin's book. He sure
knows about hormonal responses to food and exercise. I've got to make a
more serious effort to test it fully, but it seems to make sense to do
a minor carb load once or twice a week, just to keep the hormones in
balance and the cells charged up by a small insulin spike.

What blew me away was going overboard on the *size* of that carb load.
I found it hard to get back on the straight and narrow the next
morning. I intend to try the NHE program again more carefully after 
this liver cleanse thing is done.

Be well,

Mike D.

[Mike Devour, Citizen, Patriot, Libertarian]
[                        ]
[Speaking only for myself...               ]

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