As a result of something else that Alex said there are now a few points
concerning Microdyn of which I'm not sure.  In part of a response Alex

.....This Agua limpia is Microdyn (3200 ppm c.c.) but was produced by
Roland Laboratories for the use in the purification for wasted water by
the Mexican Government (I am pretty sure they NEVER let others to know
the secret formula/production/research) They patented this way of making
the C.S. (I believe they use a micro pulverize method named colloidal
pulverizer mill) And yes there are several companies selling the C.S. in
Mexico. But no one has the 3200 p.p.m.......

My question now concerns something I learned in Chemistry, where my
knowledge of this discipline is quite incomplete.  It has been my
understanding that ions can only exist in solution, otherwise under very
limited circumstances.  My impression from prior discussions here is
that the *best of the concentrated CS brands* may contain no more than
about 0.5 to 1.0% of a protein stabilizer.  But if a concentrated CS is
made from *a micro pulveriser mill,* what does this say about other
compounds that may be present?  This is something to think about and I'm
not saying CS made in this way is necessarily a problem, only that I now
see question marks.

I do know that there are companies in Spain that make a *powdered CS,*
as I've mentioned here before.  And my understanding from technical
literature is that one of these brands contains 80% silver.  So what
else is present?  As to Microdyn, I should say that I have no particular
reason to believe it has problems, but I am also curious about cases of
argyria in Mexico, documented or anecdotal.  If for no other reason this
would be of interest for a society in which there is a lot of exposure
to silver.

I also mentioned earlier that in a 250 ml. glass I found, using the
Hanna PWT, that each 1 drop of the Mexican 3200ppm CS added 1.0 ppm to
the water.  So 10 drops gave 10 ppm.  At this rate for any questionable
20%, indicating 2.0 ppm (let us say for the sake of argument) of a
silver compound,  would this pose a possible cosmetic problem?  For that
matter what about people in our part of the world, South Asia, who are
eating sweets that are covered with silver leaf?

I would also like to say that I think Alex Torres appears to be doing
wonderful work.  Incidentally, Alex said only Microdyn makes CS as
concentrated as 3200ppm, but we who saturate ceramic filters have used
products as high as 32,000 ppm, 3.2 % solution.

Jack Dayton said:
3200 ppm CS & Mexico¹s drinking water

It is hard to know how to write this, but I becameinterested in high
concentration CS  about 6 months ago after an exchange of messages
between Bill Missett  and myself.

At the time Bill was living in Mexico, and had, on more than one post,
mentioned Mexican made CS that was being sold as 3200 ppm. I suggested
that he might like to become a reseller to interested list members,
because of the extremely low price it was available for there.  That
didn¹t work out....................

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