----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Douglas Haack" <gvagraph...@adelphia.net>
To: <silver-list@eskimo.com>; <compu...@yahoo.com>
Sent: Wednesday, August 20, 2003 6:32 PM
Subject: CS>Question: IPT -- Dr Donato Perez Garcia ??

> Dr Alex Torres,
> What is your opinion of the "IPT -- Dr  Donato Perez Garcia's" cancer cure,
> apparently somewhat popular
> in Mexico. Your thoughts would be appreciated --  I'm in no hurry -- I'm
> not ill. My
> enquiry is for general knowledge. Thanks.
> in SILvation, Douglas Haack

I'm not Alex Torres, but can report that I've heard many good things about IPT.
Dr. T.R. Shantha practices IPT in the United States; his website is
http://www.iptmd.com/  and is very informative. I interviewed Dr. Shantha for my
upcoming book on sauna therapy and he seems quite knowledgeable and innovative.


Nenah Sylver, Ph.D.
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