At 10:49 AM 8/18/2003 -0700, you wrote:
>Thanks, Ode. That makes sense if you want the benefits of H2O2 on your gums.
>On the other hand, someone else determined that adding it to the DW before
>making CS would result in smaller particles.

##  I have not done this twice and you may get different results.
Adding  H2O2 to 46 oz distilled water, then running a batch of CS made
silver metal flakes large enough to use in a paint job or one of those snow
scene globes. [I don't recall how much may have been 6 drops or 1
teaspoon. The idea was to try using peroxide as a 'starter']
 Conductivity never exceeded about 13 uS after many many many hours at 1
ma. Almost used up an entire 3" x 12 ga electrode.  It got pretty thin.
 Letting that batch sit undisturbed for a month or two resulted in a
deposit of white powder on the bottom about 1/8" deep which after another
few months turned into about 50 1/32" dia black balls.
 The TE is currently extremly heavy and fine grained. PWT reads 13.2 uS and
the meter was instantly thickly coated with silver like a mirror  thick
enough to completly obscure the black plastic on entry/exit to/from the
batch but nothing apparent floating on the surface.
 Taking tiny appreciable flavor at all.
 That slight disturbance produced a tendril of white 'smoke' rising from
the bottom. No detectable visual 'source' for it.
 Color is very faint yellow. [was faint blue hue in direct sunlight while
still metalflaky if I rememeber's probably been over a year ago
that this batch was made. I considered it a total failure and didn't keep
any documentation. I kept the batch because it was pretty.]
 Crystal clear in indirect light. Sun isn't here today.
 This stuff might well be in the 1000s of PPM.
 It's sorta scary.

 Different people adding H2O2 to CS get differing results over different
time spans.
If you place blackened oxided electrodes in H2O2, they will shine right up.
 If you leave those electrodes in the H2O2 for a while longer, they turn
black again.
>So, maybe adding it before making CS would make smaller particles and then
>adding it to the CS before using it would provide the benefits of the oxygen
>to the gums.
##  I've seen it make smaller particles...more particles...fewer particles
and larger particles.
 I've seen CS go from murky to clear. From clear to murky.
 The only consistant thing H2O2 seems to do is remove color. After
that..who knows?  Anything can happen....sometimes the resulting CS has a
blueish hue ..not quite a "color" but more like an elusive tint.  
>I know that diluted H2O2 can cause nausea if drunk with food in the stomach
>(it foams in the stomach), so perhaps a person would not want to swallow the
>CS/H2O2 after rinsing the teeth.
##  Add too much and you get to make faces like a rabid dog that just ate
an angry skunk.
 Swallowing is out of the question.  You just can't spit enough.

>Any comments?
>----- Original Message ----- 
>From: "Ode Coyote" <>
>To: <>
>Sent: Sunday, August 17, 2003 4:11 PM
>Subject: Re: CS>proxy brushing
>>   Absolutely AFTERWARDS!!!!
>>  [That loud enough?]
>> Ode
>> At 10:04 AM 8/16/2003 -0700, you wrote:
>> >Sol,
>> >
>> >Do you add the H2O2 before you start making the CS or after it is done?
>> >
>> >Dick
>> >----- Original Message ----- 
>> >From: "sol" <>
>> >To: <>
>> >Sent: Saturday, August 16, 2003 8:36 AM
>> >Subject: Re: CS>proxy brushing
>> >
>> >
>> >> Reid,
>> >>   I'd just use the CS with some H202. I use about 1 to 2 tsps of H202
>> >> for about 20 oz of CS. Rinse and swish the Cs as long as I can stand
>> >> to hold it in my mouth, at least a couple minutes. This worked on my
>> >> receded gums and tartar build up much better than the straight CS. I
>> >> get the gum pockets measured again in Oct, but from the way my teeth
>> >> feel, they should be much better. Add DMSO if you like, but I don't
>> >> see the E and aloe vera adding anything useful, in fact, just my
>> >> opinion, it seems like they would make the whole thing less effective.
>> >>   My CS is about 10 to 18 ppm, depending on which gen I use to make
>> >> it. The larger/more particulate CS (judged by color, TE and PWT)
>> >> wasn't being effective against the mouth bacteria, as judged by tartar
>> >> build up. I've been unable to consistently make clear CS, so just
>> >> started using the H202, and have found it puts the CS back to clear,
>> >> increases ppm (just as I was told it would) and, for me, makes it much
>> >> more effective. I still spray my eyes with it, too, and it doesn't
>> >> sting or anything.
>> >> paula
>> >> ----- Original Message -----
>> >> From: "Reid Harvey" <>
>> >>
>> >> > Greetings Friends,
>> >>  but I'm also pushing in a
>> >> > mix of CS, DMSO, E and aloe vera.  One problem I have is that I'm
>> >> not
>> >> > sure the CS I'm using is doing the job, a couple of drops of
>> >> Microdyn,
>> >> > large particle size.  The ointment may be something like a couple of
>> >> > hundred ppm.  But I do know that the 10 ppm CS is of the smaller
>> >> > particle size that can better penetrate the tissue.  So What to do?
>> >>
>> >>
>> >>
>> >>
>> >>
>> >> --
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>> >>
>> >>
>> >
>> >