My experience of many years would answer: "If in doubt, throw it out!" I'd
maybe put it on some plants that might use a boost--If they turn blue-gray,
they might look better. Do you use metal lids on your containers? If yes,
I'd at least cover the liquid with plastic wrap to prevent any metal from
touching my CS.
Best regards,
Richard Harris, 56 yr FL Pharmacist

-----Original Message-----
From: Linda Kaye Coombs []
Sent: Wednesday, September 03, 2003 11:50 AM
Subject: CS>shelf life of CS

Hi there experts and All,   I have a quantity of CS made with a HVAC about
4 yrs. ago.  Some has settled, can only see tyndall when shook.  All  had
it fine when made.  Some has a moldy looking stuff on the lid.  How do I
know if it is still good ?   Thanks, LC

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