
I think that sales of the CD as archived at the time of shut down might be a good fund-raiser. I would buy one just to help the company; their products are superb and I can say from personal experience that "James Carr" is extraordinarily generous with this time in replies to his customers. For a fifty dollar jar of salve, he probably provides hundreds of dollars worth of free e-mail consultation and support.

I will miss the Omega III dentifrice.   There is nothing better.

Anyway: if you get the whole site on CD and sell burned copies at say, ten or twenty bucks per copy, I think you could maybe get some financial support for altcancer.com. It is worth thinking about.

Thanks again,


On Friday, Oct 3, 2003, at 12:54 Asia/Tokyo, Jason Eaton wrote:

Greetings, all:
I am pleased to announce that I have authorization to republish the entire altcancer.com website, and will shortly be making preperations to do so.
Greg is also thinking about making CD's of the website available as well, although I'm not EXACTLY certain why - perhaps to help with the legal challenges that lie ahead.
For the time being, once setup, the new home for altcancer.com will be:
When this website is setup, it would be advantageous for those with websites to link to the domain, if it does not interfere with their own project aims, for search engine indexing purposes.
For those of you who have had no dealings with altcancer.com, this will give you the opportunity to view some extraordinary information, including the photo testimonials and independent research that they have become well known for world-wide.
As an example, I've seen six skin cancer cures, including at least two melanomas, with a single 50.00 purchase of their product, and observed extraordinarily drastic PH increases from saturating the body with Alkaline Water from their HRX product, which as at least twice as good as the Potassium Hydroxide solutions I can buy locally.
Their healing clay line was a direct result of our collaborative research, and while I don't believe their bentonite is the best on the market, it is a virgin clay for sale at a fraction of the costs that other alt health care marketeers charged.
I was looking forward to testing their new line of "edible" ( and some made w/ silver ) zappers from the Russian Federation, but sadly did not purchase any to test, and may not have the opportunity to do so.  Their ozonated healing salves were fantastic, and when used in conjunction with both silver and clay, completely eliminated scar tissue in three skin cancer removals I observed.
Best Regards,
P.S. Thank you Mike for the suggestion to download the website, and for tolerating my off-topic posting!
Best Regards,
----- Original Message -----

From: Jonathan B. Britten
To: silver-list@eskimo.com
Sent: Thursday, October 02, 2003 6:19 PM
Subject: Re: CS>Wayback Machine

R.e. the archive.org link below:

Some pages from altcancer.com are preserved here, but most are not.

Jason did good.


On Friday, Oct 3, 2003, at 00:48 Asia/Tokyo, bliv...@aol.com wrote:

Some broken or missing links can be accessed here:
I think it was 'ole' Bob that said not to clean the anode, I never do and when a batch is incomplete or finished I leave the wires in the solution until I transfer it to a bottle then fill the brewing jar with DW. I keep my wires wet at all times and might clean my brewing jar once a year.
Just checked some two or three year old CS that I keep in Arizona Ice Tea (blue) Memory Tonic bottles that you no longer can buy because it had Ginkgo Biloba in it. Just as pretty as when I first made it with very little fallout.  
Sometimes I drink a couple of quarts of CS a day.
I think the Wayback Machine name was taken from the Rocky and Bullwinkle cartoon.

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