url: http://escribe.com/health/thesilverlist/m63227.html
RE: CS>Measuring very high ppms
From: Richard Harris
Date: Wed, 8 Oct 2003 07:31:58

  > Hi Turtle,

  > My heart  goes  out to you & Mike and all  your  loved  ones. Many
  > people are  sensitive to cat dander as well as mold  spores. There
  > are new room air filters that are satisfactory for most  people in
  > a limited space. Some wag once suggested that the only sure way to
  > remove "fleas"  from a house is to give away or shoot  the  dogs &
  > cats &  burn the house. I certainly hope your  problems  don't get
  > "that" severe.  If your home is air conditioned, you  can  have an
  > infra-red light  installed that will even kill anthax  as  well as
  > most other air-borne problems including mold.

  > Best of luck to all of you.

  > Mike, for  your headaches, have you tried wetting  a  folded paper
  > towel or cloth with CS and placing on forehead over eyes for a few
  > minutes--sometimes that's efeective even for migraines.

  > Richard Harris, 56 yr FL Pharmacist

  Hi Richard,

  Thank you for your kind thoughts. I second Jonathan's post - finally
  we have  someone with extensive knowledge and experience  in  a very
  rare specialty.  Your  posts will be invaluable to  everyone  on the

  The headaches  seem to be caused by spores and not by the  toxic gas
  produced by the fungus. I have a highly-modified HEPA face mask that
  combines the  best features of the 3M valves with  the  light weight
  and tight fit of the Northill. (Darned engineers can't  stop finding
  ways to improve things, can we:)

  Anyway, the  slightest  exposure  to  spores  gives  a  very violent
  headache, nothing  like I've experienced before. I used to  get this
  when I  made  the  bed  - flipping  the  sheets  and  blankets would
  disperse the spores, and the fun would start.

  The HEPA  filter stops them, but not the vapor they  produce.  So it
  seems the  problem  really  is spores  from  fungus  growing  in the
  fabric, and  it  is very tough to kill. The spores  are  coated with
  chitin, the same material that provides the exoskeleton  of insects,
  lobsters, and many other forms of life. It seems to  be invulnerable
  to normal acids and bases.

  The toxins  seem to have a special path to the headache  machine. No
  conventional remedy has any effect whatsoever.

  Your idea  of using cs on a pad never occurred to me - see  - that's
  where your vast experience is so valuable.

  I'll give it a try and see what happens. Thanks!

  Just a note on using UV to kill spores - I've seen reports  that UVB
  might be  helpful since it is a shorter wavelength than UVA. But the
  light cannot  penetrate deep into fabrics or other material,  so any
  hidden spores might not see the effects.

Best Regards,

Mike Monett

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