Hi Sandy,

  This is a repost - the original seems to be lost somewhere.

  url: http://escribe.com/health/thesilverlist/m63277.html
  CS>Mike Monet & mold
  From: Sandy . Green
  Date: Thu, 9 Oct 2003 08:50:42

  > Hi Mike,

  > I've been  trying  to send you a post off list,  from  both  of my
  > email addresses  and neither go through. What is the  magic method
  > of succeeding at this?

  > Sandy

  Hi Sandy,

  Hmm. I  don't know - it seems to work for others.  My  spam software
  didn't trap  any  of your messages. I notice  there  is  sometimes a
  delay of  up to 6 or 8 hours on some of my posts to the  archive, so
  there may be a bottleneck at sneakemail.

  I'd appreciate hearing from you. See if clicking on this  opens your
  email window:


  If not, please repost and we'll find something else that works.

Best Regards,

Mike Monett

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