Hello Surf,

I am not aware of studies that compare one silver sol type vs. another, in
vitro or clinically.  I am not current in that area.  It is unlikely that
such studies, if they are carried out, will be published until the
profit/control potential of the information has been well secured.  

The consensus of many people on this list---such as there is---seems to be
that any sol not made with a source that is less than .999 pure silver and
made with distilled and carbon filtered water has remarkable curative
properties.  The danger?  Don't drink more than a bathtub-sized amount daily
to approach a toxic dose.  

Some HVAC arc systems make some nitric acid when they arc.  There have
warnings about this but I have not seen a report of damage.  Absence of
evidence is not evidence of absence. 

The three main variables of which I am aware, assuming the sol has the same
amount of silver per unit volume are:

Ratio of charged particles to single ionized (dissolved, as contrasted with
dispersed) atoms.

Want to see some flames?  Choose one of the above over the other.  

The size of the particles; smaller is generally considered better; .5 to 10
nm is what I have heard is a good range.  There is still much argument about
how to measure the size.  

Zeta potential; the overall charge associated with the particle of metal and
its micelle.  This seems to be what disables the pathogens and helps keep
the particles from clustering into larger and less effective particles.

What does these things best?   Just ask any manufacturer....theirs, of

I have had remarkable results with three 9v batteries.  I have used a HVAC
unit for several years.

I now use a unit that runs at 170 VDC, pulsed.  

All of them have produced a sol that outperformed conventional antibiotics. 

Read carefully and use your intuition.   If you don't know what a term
means, look it up or ask someone who---even if they sell something---appears
to be willing to admit ignorance, or provides a good reference for their


-----Original Message-----
From: silversurfer1952 . [mailto:silversurfer1...@hotmail.com] 
Sent: Thursday, October 09, 2003 4:00 PM
To: silver-list@eskimo.com
Subject: CS>LVAC vs HVAC (was: Measuring very high ppms)


Have there been any tests/studies of the differences between LVAC/DC vs HVAC

CS vis-a-vis which type might be better suited for various applications 

thank you.

>From: "James Holmes" <ami...@starband.net>

>A friend---60s good health generally---was diagnosed by regular western 
>MDs as having pulmonary "mold"; nothing further.  He was sick for 
>months with an unproductive cough and he lost 25 pounds.
>Three days of occasional use of  Brooks' group's airbrush with CSPro 
>mg/L driven with O2 and he was almost symptom free.   In a week he showed 
>symptoms and has remained symptom free for more than two years.

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