To let you know, several years ago I did try making water filters out of
concrete.  I used a very dry mix, like that of a concrete block, and
even less water, in hopes there would be some interconnectedness of the
pores/ voids/ fissures.  However I just wasn't getting the flow.  I'm
guessing there's something about the concrete bond that prevents the
flow.  It is apparent, at the very least that it's not possible to fine
tune the flow rate (average), as is the case with pottery.  For the
pottery, using about half, pre-fired particles, and half unfired, normal
clay, there's a pulling away of particles during drying and firing,
that's caused by shrinkage of the normal clay.  That brings about an
ideal, and adjustable, permeable medium that's very responsive to
alteration of flow rate, per composition. So givine the idiosyncracies
of pottery clays, almost any of these can be rendered into a purifier.
Maybe some more clever person than I am can make concrete work, but I
just don't see it.

As to the two liter flask, in the double boiler, my new plan of action
is that next time I'll simply leave the starter out, using the bigger
electrodes.  The reaction rate may be slowish but with time I may still
get viable concentrations.  But I'm also proceeding to a back up
methodology.  Now we're saturating candles with AgNO3.  I cannot think
of another silver compound that's so easy to make, with such implicit
likelihood of small partiucle size.  We're mixing this in with the clay
materials, then forming purifiers, drying and firng.  Firing will lose
the nitrate and should leave the metal, with a bond to the pottery.
Even using lab made, reagent grade should prove very inexpensive.
Making ones own, under proper conditions of course, should make silver
nitrate far less expensive, giving a purifier that's still within the
reach of the poor.

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